Bloody Discovery

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While Liliana slept, Charley sneaked over to the neighbors back yard. He jumped the fence carefully and quietly sneak over the back door.

He look at his phone , to know how to pick a lock."Come on . Come on." Is what Charley was saying as he tried to pick the lock.

He went over to pile a of rocks and found what he was looking and went over and open the door.

Once he enter the house , he looked around curious.

" Doris" he whispered. As he walk around the house , he saw that the windows were blacked out.

He found the stairs and quietly move up step after step while his eyes keep looking around.

Once he reached the top , he keep calling Doris name.

He peeked into room after room and the last one he entered a room that looked like a study.

He took out his phone and started to take pictures of the strange images. Maybe finding those images on the internet , might help him understand on what he was dealing with.

Suddendly a beam of headlights shined through the dark windows.

"Shit" he whispered. He rushed trying to find a place to hide ; the closet.

He pushed aside the uniforms that were on the way and hid.

Downstairs Jerry was walking around .

Something then click and the closet became a door to a hallway of other doors.

Charley carefully entered it , as he was entering , the door closed.

He open the first door , but there was nothing inside , then he carefully walked to another door, but this one was lock.

It looked empty , but after a second a pale hand came into view , then Doris.

" Shit" Charley whispered.

" Doris? Doris. Its Charley ."

"Charley? Charley! Oh god! Get me out here! "

" I am. I am " replied Charley.

Charley then crouched down and started to work on the lock.

" Hurry" said Doris .

Then in the distance came the sound of loud footsteps pounding against the stairs.

" Shit. Shit" Charley whispered.

" Oh, no he's coming back ! He's coming back!No!

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" Oh, no he's coming back ! He's coming back!No!." said Doris trembly.

He quickly went to the other little and got inside. And left the door a little open.

Jerry pushed the secret door. He moved passed through were Charley was. And now in front of the door, where Doris was.

He pulled the keys from his pocket then unlocked the door.

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