Just Some Little Favor......With A Bit Of Blood On It

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After watching Ed' s video proof, Charley was walking home in the dark. As he approach he saw that the trash bin was still and got it , and started to drag it to the back .

Once he placed the trash bin back where it needed to be place , he turn around , only to be surprised by Jerry.

Once he placed the trash bin back where it needed to be place , he turn around , only to be surprised by Jerry

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" Hey , guy" said Jerry. Leaning against the fence.

" Hey , guy " repeated Charley

" You could really do me a solid ? said Jerry.

" What's that? " Charley asked.

"I got a girl on her way over for a beer and I'm all out of beer." replied Jerry.

"Its sucks" Charley replied.

"Set me up , I'll pay you back two times. A sixteer , for your mom & one for you. What do you say ?"asked Jerry.

"Yeah , yeah , Let me do that right now. I'll go right now and check what we got in the fridge" replied Charley.

" Okay "said Jerry.

" Cool , just give me a second ." replied Charley.

" Cool" said Jerry.

Charley was now walking to his house , with Jerry right behind him.

" Let me just see what she got. Mom is kind of a light domestic , kind of a mother." Said Charley

"Nice kitchen , good cabinet work " said Jerry looking around the kitchen.

"Thanks" replied Charley as he watch over to see Jerry. " You cool with Budweiser"

"Yeah , that works , yeah " said Jerry.

Charley was to concentrate looking at Jerry , that one beer slip out his hand.

" Oh shit " Charley hissed out and as soon as he dropped the beer. Liliana walk in the kitchen . She had a sports bra and tight pants. He looked at her.

" Can I help you with that ?" Said Jerry. Looking up and down at Liliana.

" No ! No ,No , I got it "said Charley.

" Hey , Jerry" I said.

" Hey , Liliana " said Jerry

Charley was starting to pick up the broken beer.

"Let me help you with that " I said

" No, I already got it " said Charley

" Not be rude " I said and bent over to pick the big piece.

Charley then quickly grab it from my hand , but cut me.

" Ouch ," I said

The blood started to drip from my hand and it spilled in one bottle.

And in the floor a pool of blood started forming.

Jerry just stared at it and ask " Do you need any help , that cut looks deep. You're bleeding a lot, Let me look at it"

" Yeah. I ..... I began to ask , but I was cut off by Charley .

" No, she's fine. Go wash it off in the bathroom and put a band-aid on it now , Charley said.

I stared at him and told Jerry I'd be right back and spirited to the bathroom.

With Liliana gone , Charley was now alone with Jerry in the kitchen.

"Sorry its not a sixter " Charley said as he walked up to Jerry.

He was about to give him the sixer. He held the beer out and watched as Jerry moved to get it. And at the last second he moved back until it was in the door way and Jerry's hand stopped moving . He looked up realizing Ed was right . Jerry didn't even look very friendly anymore. His cool eyes were unwavering as they watched until Charley finally gave him the beer, which Jerry grabbed from him.

 His cool eyes were unwavering as they watched until Charley finally gave him the beer, which Jerry grabbed from him

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Jerry turned pretending to look around before turning to Charley. 

"This girl tonight , she's a handful." Jerry said and then chuckled. " You know? Women who look a certain way, They need to be managed. Its true." Jerry started to which Charley started to sheepishly nod. " Your dad ducked on you . You mom , didn't exactly say , but there's a kind of neglect. Gives off a scent. You don't mind my saying , you got a lot on your shoulders for a kid. The three of you alone... and your girl Amy. She's ripe. I bet there's a lot of guys dying to pluck that. And also Liliana , you gotta watch out for her especially. She has this innocence and vulnerability. That attracts the wrong guys. And your mom to. You don't see it. Maybe you do , but she's putting it out . " Jerry said and Charley just tense up.

"Its on you to look out for them. You up for that guy? " Jerry asked.

"I think I can manage " Charley said.

" Good. Because there a lot of bad people out there , Charley . Everyone's got to look out for their own business" Jerry said being serious.

"Thanks for the beer" he adds . He was about to go. But then Liliana reenetered the kitchen.

" See , you two around " His eyes were now on Liliana .And left.

I was now upstairs getting ready to go out and buy some snacks.

As I was at door. I was stop by Charley.

" Where do you think your going" Charley said in a demanding .

" Uuu , out Why ?" I replied.

" Don't go outside, Jerry out there" said Charley.

" And what do you want me to do about it " I replied

" Not go " he said

" Not you have someone waiting upstairs or something? " I asked

I then left him there and open the garage. And hop in my car and reverse it and drove away.

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