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Taking his eyes from me , Charley then saw someone , you woudn't believe.

"Mark?" Charley questioned.

"You're dead now asshole !" He hissed, baring his fangs.

A chuckle got Charley and Peter's attention. Turning their heads they found Jerry leaning by the stairs.

"What were you thinking Charley? That you were just going to walk in here with your little crossbow and put to bed 400 years of survival? No Charley, Not likely." He moved towards them watching them. " You smell that? Its your fear."

He bent around a beam of sunlight

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He bent around a beam of sunlight ." Its intoxicating , Its a very specific scent , Charley" Jerry finished.

Stopping in front of Charley he knelt down to his level . Jerry stared at the sun light before he stuck his finger in it. His finger began to smoke before catching on fire in the beam, He pulled it back and blew out the fire.

 His finger began to smoke before catching on fire in the beam, He pulled it back and blew out the fire

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"Amy's scent, that was good, but your sister's  blood was a singer" He smirked. "It's all gone now Charley " He commented turning his head towards were I was and walking over.

"She something isn't she ?" he said untying me and bringing me close to him.

I saw Charley and Peter looking at us. And Amy just stood ready for the attack. With her fangs ready.

Turning back to Charley "I have to thank you for giving her to me " Jerry laughed as he touch me. "Well she makes me feel young again".

"I'm starting to smoke" Peter commented as his hand began to smoke , bringing our attention to us.

"Yeah you're turning " Jerry commented as he pulled me away from them. "You can't stay there forever Charley . The suns got to go down sometime. We can wait"

He then pulled me to his side and grab my face gently and began to kiss my neck. That felt so good. I wrapped my arms around his waist and nuzzled my face against his neck. He then pulled away from me , he pushed aside his shirt and brought up his hand using his finger nail and cut the skin above his heart, if he had one.

When I caught the sight of blood , I went crazy. Then  started to attack the blood that came from Jerry .

I saw how he felt complete pleasure at the feel on what I was doing to him. He pulled me away , he cupped me and started to kiss me roughly.

"That's rough " I heard Peter say to Charley.

"Got a light ? " Charley asked . Pulling a ski mask and as Peter light a cigarette.

"That's your plan?" Peter asked Charley in disbelief.

"Actually , its your plan" Charley said as he put the goggles

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"Actually , its your plan" Charley said as he put the goggles .

"Fuck" Peter whispered as he lit Charley on fire.

Charley shot forward toward were me and Jerry where. He was on fire and Jerry then pushed me away from me.

Feeling the fire touch him , Jerry started change and began to wrestle with Charley to get him to let go. I started to cry out for Jerry as did the others.

The two flung up and down , and left to right. Peter seeing his chance went for his shot gun and began to blow holes in the ceiling . More sunlight came in , causing the vampires to retreat further back. Jerry and Charley were flung up and down until finally they landed back on the ground and in the sunlight . Peter seeing Jerry burning in the sun went for the stake.

"Charley ! In the heart!" Peter screamed

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"Charley ! In the heart!" Peter screamed.

Catching the boys attention he turned towards him and caught the stake.Turning back to Jerry he surged forward and drove the stake straight into Jerry's heart. Screeches came fromJerry. Long black smoke came from Amy , Peter and I.

Jerry threw his head back releasing one final screech before the black smoke  entered him and he exploded.

Peter ran to Charley and put the remaining flames out . "Charley ! Come on Charley, come on " He said slapping his face. " Come on , you little prick"

This got Amy attention making her worried. She got up and ran towards them. She dropped to her knees and called out. " Charley!" . He slowly open his eyes  and look up to Amy. "Hey"

"You okay" Amy asked.

"Yeah" Charley said with a smile

"You little shit" Peter said and kissed Charley."Next time you're going to use my plan , give me a heads up first." He said drinking .

Charley look side to side looking for Lily  but coudnt find her. " Hey , wait before we celebrated , where's Lily " Charley asked. Trying to get up.

"I'm over here" I called out and went to where he was .

"I'm sorry , Liliana. I should have arrived early , to prevent that for happening " he said.

"Don't be , I know it will be long for me to heal , but I know I can do it" I said and hug him.

" Ouch " said Charley.

" Oops Sorry" I said and  back away.

He then kissed Amy and I smile for them. Peter exhale and drop to the floor. We all laugh , finally the nightmare was over.

Mark and the others look confused and dazed.

"That was a fucked up night" said Mark , as he looked to where we were.

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