Flowerboy 15

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Pearl woke up by the sound of a closing door. She fluttered her eyes open and tried to move her hands, but they were tied up. She was tied up to a chair. Pearl heard footsteps coming down the stairs, she looked to her left side and Sehun had plastered a sickening smile.

"Welcome to my basement, Pearl" He said, chills running down her spine. "I've been waiting for this moment for so long, you have no idea." Sehun turned around and went to the table nearby. He put down a bag and got out a hammer.

She gulps and starts shaking uncontrollably as Sehun walks in front of her.
Without any warning he gives her a punch on her face. Since she was looking down he grabbed her hair to make her look at him. "You really look like her" he said.

"Who?" she managed to say. Sehun let go of her hair to smash the hammer to her hand. She let out a cry of pain and started to cry some more. Sehun slapped her "Shut up and listen!" she whimpered but kept quiet, still some tears falling.

He grabbed a nearby chair and pulled it closer to where she was. "It was a long long time ago. When I was at my final year in high school. You see I was dating this guy for 3 years and I don't know my best friend Lucy- The one you look a lot like, she slept around with him behind my back. I coughed them on a act and she grabbed a knife-" A tear role down Sehuns face he wipes the tear of and hit Pearl with the hammer to her other hand.

Pearl was on the edge of fainting, but Sehun gently was slapping her face "Hey hey, I'm not finished with my story. Don't go" She staid awake.
"Ehem, as I was saying Lucy *laughs* tries to kill me but he saves me and got killed instead. She fucking killed the love of my life, so I killed her and all the woman I've dated. That's where you come in, tonight is your turn to die"

"Please don't. I'm begging you Sehun" she begs as rivers came down her eyes.

Sehun laughs evilly and punched her two more times. "I'm so excited for your death darling." he turns around to look for more stuff to torture her in his bag.

"Help!" Pearl screamed with all the strength she had left. Sehun turn around to see his brother.

He was in pure shock. Sehun has updated in his killing skills that Kyungsoo never thought that Sehun would had accomplished.

"Sehun, you need to stop. You're not this kind of person, I know you are a caring and nice person left deep in inside of your cruel heart."

Sehun started to look at his blood stained hands, he was calming down, starting to regret doing this kind of stuffs. But then Pearl had the marvelous idea to hurt Sehun in the only way she can, by words.

"Well I'm glad that I look like Lucy! That means that every time you saw me you got hurt and the best of all, you had been fucking with your best friend who killed your boyfriend you ass hole!"

Kyungsoo looked at Pearl as saying 'You shouldn't had said that'. Sehun got red, but not by embarrassment instead by pure anger. He took a knife form the bag and screamed "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Kyungsoo managed to push Sehun and fell along with the table. Kyungsoo quickly untied Pearl and when he finished she creamed at him "KYUNGSOO, WATCH OUT!" when he turned around he saw Sehun running toward them with the knife held high accompany with a crazy look.

Sehun got the chance to stab his brother in the back (close to his shoulder), not to kill him, but to wound him enough so that he can be out of his way. He got the knife and managed to cut Pearls legs, since she was trying to kick him still being in the chair. When she got tired of kicking Sehun took the chance and was about to stab her, but Kyungsoo jumped in front of her getting stab in the heart instead. Sehun and Pearl gasped in surprise. Kyungsoo groaned in pain and managed to say "Run" before he fall dead.

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