Flowerboy 4-1

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"So tell me, what's the plan?" Chanyeol and I were walking hand by hand towards his car.

"Well you should go home and start to prepare yourself since you take like for ever"

"Pfft look who's talking" He looked at me and smiled. "I'm really happy you know, you make me happy for the past 3 years"

"I'm really happy too Chanyeol"

Chanyeol placed a hand on my cheek, brought my face towards his and gave me a little kiss.

"See you tonight babe, i'll text you when i'm on my way" he got in his car and drove away.

"Okay, I think everything's ready." I stared at the well decorated table I did. The plates, candles, napkins they all spoke ROMANTIC & FAMILY DINNER.

"Everything's perfect, I'll bet he'll love it Sehun. Now we should all get ready" My dad said with a little of nervousness in his tone.

"Right! he should be here in half and hour"

"Well i'm showering first" Kyungsoo said walking up the stares.

"No no no, you take to much time let me first!" running past by him. He grabbed me by my feet making me fall on the stares.

"I'm taking it first!" passing me, almost reaching the door but I got up fast and pushed him to the side.

"No, I am!"
Kyungsoo glared at me.
I'm in front of the bathrooms door.
"Move Shun or else" he threatened.

"Or else what?" Challenging him.

As when Kyungsoo was about to speak dad walks past us and enters the bathroom locking the door behind him.

We stared at each other and laughed it out.

*Doorbell rings* "oh my gosh he's here!" I goshed out.

"Sehun can you chill, it's just dinner" Kyungsoo tired to relaxed me, I assumed.

"But it's with dad, I'm nerv-" As I was speaking to him he opened the door reveling the most handsome man alive.

"Hey, nice clothes where did you buy it?" Kyungsoo asked as Chanyeol stepped inside our house.

"Hey, umm well actually this was-"
"Oh nice, well i'll be going to the kitchen now" Kyungsoo left us alone.

"Well that was expected from him" Chuckling Chanyeol closed the door behind him and gaved me a hug

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"Well that was expected from him" Chuckling Chanyeol closed the door behind him and gaved me a hug. "You look very beautiful Sehun"

Immediately I feel my face go hot and I'm full of a joyful embarrassment. "You look quite handsome yourself"
Tugging a little hair falling of Chanyeols hair we heard a "ahem" sound.
We separated and I took hold of Chanyeols hand and squished it lightly.

"Daddy I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Chanyeol. Chanyeol I would like you to meet my dad, Kris"
Chanyeol brightly smiled at him and went for the classic hand shake but my dad didn't make a move, instead my dad gave him a full teeth smile accompanied with a bear hug.
"I am so happy to finally meet the one who has made my Sehun so happy this last years"

"Ah sir, it's really have been my pleasure making him happy" Chanyeol answered him still in the hug.

"Please, call me Kris...son". Letting him go Chanyeol looks at him and then at me. "Kris this means so much to me and Sehun"

"Sorry to interrupt your gayness moment, but the food it's getting cold."

"Kyungsoo just-ugh

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"Kyungsoo just-ugh. Okay need a drink, please Chanyeol come I've made something delicious" Dad announced.

"It's my dad special food, so be honored" I said to Chanyeol.

"Oh believe me, I am honored" he then whispers to my ear "to have you." and gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

Flowerboy [ ChanHun EXO ]Where stories live. Discover now