Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

08/25 Monday

In an instant, life changes.

Yes, is the typical scenario, a new school, not a new city (sadly) and definitely not a new life :( but it is a new school. Actually its my first year in college! And no, I won’t live on campus, “To dishonorable for our family” or so my dad says. But I don’t complain, I am grateful enough that I can stay in America, that I can go to college! And is just that Japan is too freaking far, and weird, no offense, after all I am half Japanese.

It’s my first week, and I already have a bunch of new friends, only two Asians, but at least no one is Japanese, not that they will know about me, only a few people in a handful of circles understands what the power my family name has. Its better this way. I don't want to blow this off. I like my life, it is simple and easy, and that is the way I hope these four years will pass.

Things at college move so fast, the place is so big! I kind of hate it, everything is a ten minute walk. (And it's so hot and humid!) The classrooms are huge, and there is at least  80 people around me, and I am too scared to rise my hand buried in that sea of college kids! Why didn’t I chose the private school again? Ah yeah, I couldn’t register on time because I had to be training!!! Stupid training! Why would people have to go to the mountains to train?? What is the problem with staying in Houston???  Stupid Mountains.

Never mind! I do like my school! My new friend Mindy just told me there is actually three bus lines that can take you from the huge parking lot the classrooms, to the dorms, and to the really cool fitness center that has an indoor running track! Which gives me a great opportunity to see if I can still  run a 6 minutes mile. But I hate running in an indoor track, is so freaking boring!! I miss the mountains (I can’t believe I just said that).

Luckily in college time goes fast, the day is almost over. I am walking to my next class when I see him coming. And time stands still. Life stops.

I can’t move, breathing is hard, my head is spinning, my heart aches.

I don’t remember the last time I saw him, three years ago? Maybe four. But time doesn’t erase the past, and nothing has changed, he still hates me and he always will.

So today is the day that I die. I have been waiting for it, for him, for so long. I smile. I would have never imagined that it would be here, this way. I close my eyes and brace myself. ‘Mom!’

Nothing happens.  

I open my eyes just as he passes me by. He is walking nonchalantly. He is dressed in black. He has gotten taller. From a closer distance I can see how much he has changed, how rough he looks.

I turn my head as he walks away, the second he is out of sight, time restarts. I am being shoved by students hurrying to their classes, there is a loud murmur all around me. The wind continues blowing, the sun keeps on shining.

I can’t go to class anymore, I just keep walking, straight, at a normal speed, I have to get to my car and drive away as fast as I can, make sure no one follows me. I drive around for a couple of hours just to make sure! Then I can go home.

I think I should call my dad, I don’t want to though. He will probably make me quit school and drag me back to Japan! I don’t want to quit! I like my friends! My new life! I even joined BSA (Biochemist Student Association) But he is here, and if he is here my days are counted!

I had a nightmare, I just woke up, well it’s not really a nightmare, actually nothing happens, just him, walking towards me, in a beautiful, sunny day. Nothing scary, just the fact that he completely ignores me. He doesn’t look at me (more like a stare with hatred eyes) he just passed me by, and that truly frightens me.

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