Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Oh Haruhi!”

It’s the only text message I have but it says it all. I turn around and grab my stuffed molang and hold it tight. Joy got it for my 17th birthday. I want to cry.

“I heard you had a rough night last night!” Joy is cooking breakfast. “Eat” she gives me a plate. Waffles

I blink back tears. Jesus lately all I do is cry! “Thank you” I bite the first one. Is so good.

She looks at me sadly “No training today ha! Do you want to do go to the movies?” My mouth drops to the floor.

On my senior year in highschool I decided to go back to church. It was a beautiful Sunday morning. I was standing at the entrance of First Presbyterian Church, the one I used to go with my mom, before she left. That day, all I did was stare at the brick building, I watched the church goers come and go without being able to move.

The next sunday I was there again, with a pretty sunday dress that my mom got me right before she left. I miss her so much

The third Sunday there, someone came to stand next to me. A man on his early thirties, he was dressing as a priest but his hair was really long (now a days is still long) Beautiful asian eyes gleaming.  

“I can’t bring myself to go in either” His english is perfect. “Hi I am pastor Shawn” he said smiling.

“Rebecca” I shaked his hand

And we waited like that, standing next to each other until mass was done and people began to exit.

“I have to go” He said, his head to the side “See you next Sunday?”

I smiled and shake my head in agreement.

My mom was presbyterian, my grandparents were presbyterian and so they were my great grandparents.  My dad isn’t really anything, but for my mom he was too. I grew up coming to that church, and me and my mom (and my dad too when he wasn’t on a business trip) where there every Sunday.

After she left, so fast and so tragically, it was hard come to terms with the idea of a God that loves us and wants the best for us, it is till is. But my mom would have wanted me there and there I was again, standing in front of the big red-brick building.  

“Ready?” Pastor Shawn asked me holding his arm out for me. I look at him. He is so friendly I can’t say no. I put my arm on his and we go inside.

After mass he invited me over to his office, he was the newest priest. Freshly arrived from Switzerland.

“There is someone I want you to meet. She is my second cousin, and just moved here from Virginia, she is a little older than you but I think you guys can become friends” Before he finished someone knocked on the door “That must be here!” he said smiling “Joy!” he said opening the door “I am so glad to see you! You come at a perfect time! Rebecca” He said turning to see me “This is Joy, Joy she is Rebecca”

“Hi!” Joy said, she has the sweetest voice I have ever heard

“Hello” I put my hand out shyly. She is gorgeous. Like the asian models you see on vogue, tall, slim, perfect! That is Joy.

After that we became friends, we hanged out and it was easy to talk to her, but there was always the age difference. I was shocked (but happy) when she suggested we lived together once I started college. And even more when my dad agreed.

Of course it all make sense now, she is a Wonhwa (Korean female elite warrior) that has been working for father all along! Distant but friendly enough at the beginning, bossy coach later, and now just a good friend?

“Do you want to go the movies with me?” I say pointing my finger at my chest

“Rebeca” she glances to the sides and comes sit with me in the kitchen island. “your father is not the only reason I am here!” I gasp What? “you are a good girl! you try so hard” she says caressing my hair “You have suffered so much” I bit my lip sad. I don’t want her pitty

“Then why? why did you become ‘my friend’? when did you start working for my dad?”

“He contacted me the third time we had coffee together. He met me at restaurant and pass me a folder with all my information”

“He did what?” I stand up hurriedly, beyond upset!

“Come on, lets go out” he says staring deeply into my eyes. I want to lash out and call my dad but something in her eyes stops me.

“Ok. I’ll go get ready!”

We are at a Starbuck in Westheimer, the place is packed and I think this is exactly what she wants. I am sitting in a small round table in the far corner. She comes with two coffees (Cinnamon Dolce Latte for me, black espresso for her! How does anyone drink that!?)

“There is stuff that can’t tell you. But I will try to answers your questions the best I can”

“Ok” I stare at my fingers “When did you start working for my dad?”

“That same night that I met him at the restaurant”


“Because he seemed genuinely worried for you and your well being, and I was already keeping an eye on you!”

“What? Why?”

“I can’t tell you” and she says this so finally that I know that there is nothing I can do or say in the world that will make her tell me

“How much he pays you?”

“Not enough!”

“Did my dad asked you to invite me to live with you?”

“No” I gasp, I wasn’t expecting that “It was my idea. The Woodlands it is very far from University of Houston. Driving a long distance every day, by yourself, you will be putting yourself at an unnecessary risk”

“How much risk am I at?”

“You really haven't figure that out yet?”  Wow! this is overwhelming

“That day, that my dad showed up at school…” I have to let the question linger in the air, that day our exchange was on looks not on words

“I can’t tell you”

Oh God! I bring my  hands to my mouth “Have you met him? Where is he?” Joys starts shaking her head, my heart start beating faster “Is he ok? Does my dad know? Why is he here? Is he my enemy?” Joy halts and stares at me, her eyes full of compassion.

“Oh Haruhi!”

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