Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


01/17 Friday


The conference goes well, she is such an extraordinary woman. Born in india in the 50’s she had to work hard to be able to graduate college. After that she move to US and got a Master degree, and then a Doctor and then another Doctor's degree!  I sigh happily, if she did it so can I.


I have resumed my TKD training with Joy. Things with her had gotten better since we had that talk. I know that my dad didn’t force her to be my ‘friend.’ That some small part of her actually likes me and she genuinely cares about me, I am not just a job.  I also know that she knows he is here and for some reason she doesn’t want my father to know. I am almost sure that she has some type of relation with him. I have no idea what is it, or the nature of it, but every time that Joy has been at school, he is not there.


I sigh, every time I am being attacked he is not there.  


I run my hand through my hair and put it up on a pony tail. Today and from now on we will be training at nighttime, once my body is tired so I have to push myself and become stronger, or so Joy says. And just like that the first week of my second semester in college is gone.

This past three weeks life has been normal. Happy. I smile as I get ready to go out to the movies and have dinner with my friends. I grab my keys, my wallet and my cellphone. I stare at the cute case.


Alex gave it to me, he placed on my pocket that winter night. I left for Japan two days later and I couldn’t thank him properly (I did emailed him a thank you cybernote)  I press my lips. I should buy him dinner. I grab my coat and leave the house with a smile.


There hasn’t been any more murder attempts, I wonder if has anything to do with Sebastian's and I last encounter. I try not to remember but I do it anyway, his hand on my face, his deep voice...

“What’s wrong honey?” Sonya ask, she is sitting opposite from me at the library’s 6th floor. I stare at her quizzically  “Why are you turning red?”

“What? No, I am just hot. What are you studying?” I lamely try to change the subjects.

She rolls her eyes smiling and goes back to her notes. ‘Why am I turning red?’ I place my hand on my cheek. They feel hot. I bite my lip and turn away, towards the window. Students come and go, living their life’s sweet and softly! They only concern is grades and crushes! I envy them so much.


Another week went by in the blink of an eye! Today is friday again, but today is special. I am going out with Alex, we are having dinner and then watching a movie. Just the two of us! I smile shyly. This is my first date. I think I can call date even if I invited him to thank him for my christmas present.


Alex picks me up 7. I am wearing a purple winter dress, with ribboned uggs and a black winter coat. He is wearing a blue and yellow striped rugby shirt with the greek letter sigma chi (his fraternity) on the right side. He looks really good! I can’t help to blush when I open Joy’s door.  He smiles grimly, his blond hair being shaken by the wind “Lets go!” he says offering me his hand, and after a heart bit of hesitation I take it. This semester I am going to have a regular life!


Being with him is so much more easy and fun that I had anticipated.  We had dinner and Dave and Busters and we played there for a while (we make an amazing team playing  Terminator III)  After that we came to movies, he agreed to watch Frozen with me and I like him more for that! He hasn’t let go of my hand the entire time, my body (sweaty and nervous earlier) is growing used to his touch and especially his warmth. His hands were always cold.  


Wait! No! I am not going to think about him. Not now, not anymore!  I say this sternly but I know my heart will do whatever it wants


He is driving me home now, I can’t stop grinning, I have had such an amazing time! I hope life continues like this! He parks in front of Joy’s and immediately steps out to open the door for me.


We get off the car, my hand in his, and we walk towards Joy’s red frontdoor. This is it! We are waiting at the entrance , both of our hands together now

“Thank you” He says greening “ I had so much fun!”

“Me too!” I green back  

“We should do it again!”

“Yes!” I say biting my bottom lip. My heart is beating hard with expectation. Then from the corner of my eye I catch something, someone staring at us from the dark, half hiding behind a tree at the other side of the street! And my heart fills with that warmth that is so familiar but I haven’t felt in such a long time!


But Alex doesn't give me a lot of time to think about it.  The next thing I know his lips are kissing me right at the corner of my mouth, just between my lips and my cheeks.

“Let’s take it slowly!” he says confidently and opens the door for me! “Go! its late and you look tired”

“Yes!”I manage to mumble. I step inside and he walks away. He waves at me happily and gets in his car. I lean in the door and watch them disappear.

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