Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

10/16  Thursday

Failure hurts, but the realization that you are the reason for others failure hurts even more.

I open my eyes I have no idea where. I am laying in the four posted bed of a beautifully (expensively) decorated room. My entire body aches and I can’t remember anything. My throat is so dry I feel like I haven’t drank anything for days. I feel dizzy, my head is pounding, and my left arm aches, but I have to figure out what the hell is going on.

I put one foot on the ground and the door immediately opens, it is one of my dad’s men, perfectly dressed in black. He is really young and he looks slightly familiar.

“Furutadou-sama” He says surprised and a second later he presses his lips into a fine line looking upset. He looks away and calls someone to come. A maid arrives with a tray of food. Waffles!

“Who are you?” I ask and I take a long sip of orange juice.

“Nakamura, Ryuu. I am...I am your father's right hand” He has a heavy british accent

“For how long was I out?” I say with food in my mouth (this is freaking delicious!)

“Two days” I turn to see him and he quickly brings a hand to his face and pretends to fix his glasses.  

“What happened?”

“You were attacked at school.”

And I remember. Joy was injured, and the blood dripping on her hand made something in me turn on. I grabbed the sword and ran towards her attacker. I stabbed him without hesitation, and immediately after that something shut off. I put my hands in my face ‘I killed someone, another human, that breaths, that...’

“They are all alive.” He says reading my body language “our people made it just before you fainted”.

“It took them long enough!” I snap at him despite I know is probably not his fault, my eyes are burning “where is my father?”

“At the hospital, she had surgery”.

“Take me there now”!

“No!” His tone is so final and commanding I gape at him. “You are still recovering” he adds more softly “your arm is still bleeding.” I look at my arm, there is a bloody bandage around it “You can’t move until the Dr says so”!

The next morning I am out, and the moment we step out from the hotel I can feel his stare, it feels heavier than it used to. I try to keep and eye around me but I can’t see him following us. Yet I know he is. He won't go inside the hospital, just like he wasn’t inside the hotel, probably because of my dad, but I know he is still going to be here, probably planning his revenge’s next step. I bite my lip, how can I be so stupid!

Sitting at Joy’s bed, I can't stop crying, I shouldn’t be this weak but I can’t help it. How I always end up hurting the ones I love? Why I can’t be strong enough? Why can’t I even hate him? “I am sorry”.

Of course, Joy’s recovery is extremely fast, in less than two week we are back home, only this time, there are two of my dad’s guys ‘living in’ and my guess is they will be with me every second I am at school, I am hoping that as long as they keep a safe distance it should be ok.

I haven’t been to school in almost three weeks. As I open my computer for the first time, I wonder if I failed all my classes.

There are 40 unread emails, of course fifty percent of it is junk. But there are 4 from Mindy, around 7 from my professor’s ( :[ OMG ) two that just don’t make any sense.

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