Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Fall came and left in the blink of an eye. One second we are 104, the next all the leaves are on the floor and now a coat and a scarf are not enough to bare the cold wind. The semester is almost over, I have no plans for my winter holidays, probably go back to Japan and stay with my dad in our summer house for a couple of weeks.


I have never seeing the school so empty. It's nice and scary at the same time, the air is so cold and strong, the sun will be setting soon. Everybody is out with their families getting ready for the holidays and I have been doing the final for the only class that I take without any of my friends ( Genetics 1)


It is a long walk towards my car. If my dad or Joy knew they would be here escorting me, even though nothing has happened in the past month and a half, and nothing will.


But is just as a spell that I cast on myself,  as if a pair of eyes that has been close suddenly opens. I know he is here. Staring at me!

I can't keep moving,

I have to feel it a little longer

I have to know he is really here. I have to take him as much as I can for as long as I can

I know exactly where he is at, I have been waiting for this for so long, I could turn my head but I don't despite I know he knows I know he is here, I don't want him to know that It has been so long, and it has been so hard and lonely and sad that somehow his presence is like a candle in the middle of a moonless night  and despite I am trying so hard, so hard, not to do anything, this stupid foolish reckless life threatening feeling overcomes all those years of training, that fear to die and I…


"I miss you"


And the mouth that belongs to those eyes that I stupidly can barely live without even after all this years, fails to contain a gasp. Then I can turn, because he should know I could listen to him

He is right there where I knew he would be, at the very top of the architecture building, leaning on a roman pillar his siluet disappearing along with the sun. The wind blows hard and in that way only the sun can, everything is suddenly dark. Night has fallen.

I walk slowly towards the building, the entire time staring at his green eyes that glow with the moonlight, the rest of his body is completely hidden in the darkness of the night. Then I can’t hold it any longer and I run towards the building. I climb the grand staircase two by two, desperately, scared he won’t be there anymore, scared that is my mind playing a trick to my heart.


I reached the door and pushed it open, the wind blows even harder here.  He is here, beautiful, perfect. Nothing else maters, the past, the future, the blood, the tears. Everything disappears with every second I breath the same air as him, with every steps that takes me closer to him

“Its amazing I am here with you” he says kindly, staring at my eyes the entire time, one hand reaches to touch my face and my face reaches to meet it.

I close my eyes to feel his touch more deeply, to breath in his smell

“... It is so unfair” he says, his voice breaking

Tear begin falling from my eyes. I don't have time for this game yet I keep playing it, I know there is no more hope yet I keep hoping, because there is nothing that scares me more than never seeing those eyes again, despite I know they will never be mine.


Oh my God guys! they are finaly in front of each other! 

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