Chapter 16

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Chapter 16



February is gone and half of March is too. Midterms are coming up next week, but this week. Is the best week of the year! The stars and planets have aligned so that my birthday and Frontier Fiesta happen on the same week! yes!


FF is the oldest tradition at UH (or so the posters say) and Robertson stadium’s parking lot ditches the cars and becomes a carnival, with food stands, drink stands, game stands, sweet stands (those are the only ones I really care about) rides, and a couple of scenarios where different colleges groups and some cool bands will perform. And I heard this years there will be fireworks! It is going to be epic!


“You better be ready for you B-day week” Alex says wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards him. We are at the parking lot walking towards our first class. I turn to see him quizzically “I will let the girls fill you in the details. But Wednesday you better be free! because you are mine!” He smiles his side smile. He looks so sexy when he does that! I turn my face away and discreetly fan myself with my hand feeling my cheeks turning red.


“So here is the plan” Myle says. We are all sitting at one of the tables at the satellite. “Alex already called dibs for you on you Wednesday” she says staving me with her elbow “So we don’t know what’s going to happen that day”

“Uh!!!”  the girls say at the same time and take turns to stare at me and Alex.  I immediately turn red.

“Indeed” He says biting the corner of his lips and raising his arms behind his head. Mindy, Sonya, Myle and I gape at him. He is extremely handsome

“Ok!” Daniel says rolling his eyes at us “Thursday, you actual birth-day we have a surprise for you. Friday we are going to FF, then I think y’all are staying at Sonya’s. Saturday we are meeting at school to go to FF again.

“After that my pledge brother Kevin is going to let us throw a party at his place in Main St. That way we can pre game there and then just walk to the club. By the way Saturday you can invite whoever you want!” Alex says smiling

“ah and Jason is coming!” Mindy finishes

“wait hold on! It’s just my birthday not the pope’s” I am overwhelmed. a birthday week!?

“The pope Rebecca?” Daniel stares at in that way that only he can

“I mean, we didn’t do this for Myle’s!”

“Rebecca” Myle scolds me “We don’t know what you have been through, but we do know it hasn’t been easy. We just want to give you a good time so you can forget about you dad, and crazy asian guys chasing you and all that other ridiculous stuff that happened last semester!”

“Guys!” I stare at them blinking back tears

“Oh come on! You know we are just using you as an excuse to party a lot before midterms” Daniel says and I try not to but end up laughing with everyone else.

“It’s getting late, come on lets go to class”

I am in my room getting ready. Today is finally thursday and Alex is going to pick me up to go to my birthday surprise. He said to dress comfortably so I am wearing chinos and a gray polo shirt.


My phone rings [ Good luck tonight! ] reads Mindy’s text. I smile putting my phone down and go into my closet to get a jacket.  My text tone rings again [ Don’t do anything dirty! ] I roll my eyes smiling. This is why I love her. I put the phone on my back pocket and I immediately get another text. ‘Now what Mindy?’


[ I am here :)  ]


Alex is leaning on his car looking amazing. I walk towards him and he meets me halfway rising his shades from his eyes, he is staring at my outfit. We are wearing the same! (Of course he looks way better than me)


We laugh at the same time. “Maybe I should go change!”

“No way!” He says grinning “This way we really look like a couple” He hold his hand out. I take it


“Wow!” I say for like the thirtieth time. I never took Alex for a museum type of guy. But here we are. At the MFAH (Museum of Fine Arts, Houston) There is an exhibition in particular that he says he wants to show me


I can’t remember the last time I was here. But I am glad we are. There are so many beautiful things around us. “Here we are” Alex says holding my hand. We walk through a hall and we come to the entrance of a big room. There is sing on the wall that reads #Sotosummer  


We keep walking and the piano music in the background becomes louder. There is a big yellow, elliptical figure in front of us. As we walk closer to it I realize the figure is made out of thousands of hanging plastic tubes. And we enter it.


I don’t know how to describe it. Its just magical. Like being under a never ending rain. Alex releases my hand and I let it run free around me, the tubes caress my face, my arms. I walk randomly, closing and opening my eyes intermittently.  I stop at what I believe is the middle of the penetrable (thats the name of it). I look up to the ceiling, there are small led lights and the strings are placed in a way that it looks like a starry night.


Alex walks towards me, I can see his shady figure moving the tubes around. His hands are reaching out to me. I take them smiling and he starts spinning me around him. I look up feeling the tingling sensations of the tubes around me. I laugh and close my eyes. I haven’t feel this free and happy in so long!


He begins to slow down and right before we stop he pulls me towards him. He lets go of my hands and brings his to my face, his lips follow.

He kisses me deeply but oh so gently! After a few seconds later he stops. His lips still next to mines. “Happy birthday Becca!”  

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