Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


This week is homecoming week (more than football or so the poster all around school say) and today there is a block party before the first game of the season start. My high school wasn’t really into sport so I am very excited to be in a football game at such large stadium!

Two of the streets around the stadium have been closed and there is food trucks and stands side by side with tailgaters. It is so cool!


My friends and I agreed to meet at the ice cream stand. Everyone is already there waiting for me.

“Haruhi!” I smile. The way she says my name.

“What do you want?” Alex asks me.


“avocato?” everybody asks at the same time

“Sorry!” I say pretending to be offended “Strawberry is fine”

This is so much fun! there is people cheering and laughing with faces painted with red and white and everyone is wearing a cougars shirt! Mindy got a hold of some football themed temporary tattoos and we are being silly trying to put them on. I grin, I am having a great time. It feels good to be young and carefree. And I shouldn’t have say that because just like that, out of nowhere I see them.

My phone starts playing making me jump “Hello?” I put it to my ear right away and I start walking backwards. I will not get my friends hurt.

“We are coming to get you!” I recognize the voice, is Nakamura-san

“I… I have to go the restroom” I say nervously. They are all staring at me.

“We will be by the main entrance” Daniel says, understanding the situation “Be careful” I nod. I turn around and sprint.

“Where are you?” he asks upset. Why the hell is he upset at me?

“I am at parking lot, running away!” I snap and hang up.

It’s only 8pm but the sun set a few hours ago now that we are done with daylight savings. As I run away from the parade lights everything around me grows darker and quieter. I can feel them getting close.

I hear something, I turn to my right and I see one of them. He looks so young. But I don’t let that fool me, I know they start their training as soon as they are 5 years old. I know he is deadly, and he wants me dead.


I hear tires screeching and see the lights of a car driving fast towards where I am running to. Are they friends? I turn to my ride, he is getting closer, or foes?  The end of the parking lot is approaching, the car parks and two figures exit it immediately.


“Furutadou-sama” I hear Nakamura’s san voice calling me from the car. They are friends! I closed my eyes in gratitude and run faster. Then I crash into an arm than spins me around. Next thing I know I am in someones arms, my face to their chest, one second later one of the hands releases me and I hear the muffled sound of bullets coming out of a suppressor.  And the unmistakable sound of a katana as it pierces flesh ‘No!’ I bury my face into the person holding me.


“Do not move” Some else is saying behind us. I turn my face up. Nakamura-san presses his lips and stretches slowly. Someone is pressing a gun against his back. I try to move, to turn around so the bullet hits me and not him, but he is so strong all I manage is have him hold me tighter towards his body


I close my eyes ‘It’s all my fault’   


Suddenly I feel it. That fullness in my heart that I haven’t feel in so long. I breath in and is gone, as so is the man pointing a gun at us. His body is lying on the floor behind us.


Ah truck speeds towards us and parks behind the first car. Six black suited guys get off immediately and as if they have done this everyday of their lives, they begin to work, fast and quietly.


Nakamura-san is still holding me tightly against him. Two man carry two dead bodies. One with a bullet in the chest, one of them. Other with a knife in the heart, one of us. And the one behind us, the one pointing the gun at us is unconscious in the floor.


I am beginning to feel a little uncomfortable but Nakamura-san’s arms are still around me, his previously ragged breathing is finally stabilizing, mine too. It is actually a little hard to breath. My head starts spinning, I feel nauseas. Everything goes black.

“Haruhi” I hear him whisper my name and collapse.   

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