Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


I breath a sigh of relief. Jesus shepherd of Judea if I had to stay in that position one more minute I could have lost my ability to walk, forever! I want to go and lay down on the floor, but despite the tea ceremony is over the party is apparently not. I walk with the rest of the guest, now more relaxed, towards the main house when someone holds me by the elbow. I turn around



“Otosma” I bow deeply but he stops me halfway holding by the arms. He looks into my eyes and pulls me towards him.

“You did so well! I am so proud!” I bite my lip. You see my father is asian, and asians, especially Japanese are really close and reserved on their feelings. So this hug and this words are as good as it gets, as good as they have ever been.

“Daddy!” I hug him back.

“Haruhi-chan!” He says caressing my back “Look at you! when did you grow up so much? how did you grow up so fast!?”

“Oh daddy!” I begin to cry and he holds me tighter

“I am sorry I have been so hard on you!”

“I am sorry I have disappointed you!”

“You never have and you never will. You are a great student  and good daughter!”

He kissed me in the head and with one arm still around me takes me inside the house where everyone is waiting.


“You look so beautiful!” Is the third time he says it. And only because is him I believe it. Thankfully this house has regular American furniture. I am sitting on a really comfortable chair next to my dad. The extremely tight kimono doesn’t let me enjoy the comfort to its full extend but its definitely better than kneeling. The tea ceremony began at 8 and finished at midnight!


We are now having dinner, and sake is running happily and freely! As the only young lady and the boss’s daughter I have been finding myself in the need to drink a shot with every guest. And I don’t drink sake, actually I don’t drink at all.


I don’t know what time it is anymore, and I don’t really care. I am hot and tired so I decide to go out and catch a breath of fresh winter air! I walk outside slowly, conscious that I might be a little drunk. Is funny.


‘Jesus why everything has to move so much!’ We are far away from the city and the snow finally stopped falling. The sky is clear and beautiful. I can see all the stars that Houston’s lights never let me enjoy. I raise my arms up! Today was awesome! ‘I love tea! And the night is so pretty! ‘Should I take a walk?’ I decide to go ahead and take a walk, the floor is a little wobbly, and the snow and my japanese shoes are not helping, but I am sure the cool air will help me sober up. Is funny!


‘Maybe I should take my shoes off!’ That is a great idea. I go ahead take off my shoes. They are so funny looking. I giggle.

“What is so funny?” A deliciously manly voice says behind me.

“I don’t know! Why?” He sniggers. That's funny! I giggle again. I turn my head around, a tall man is behind me dressed in a black kimono, his black hair caressing his face with the wind.

‘Sebastian!’ I turn fast and try to walk towards him but after my second step I stumble.


He catches me right before I hit the ground, my arms around his shoulder, his hands behind my back. He smells a little different but oh God he is here! I close my eyes and move my arms towards his neck and hold him tight to me.

“where have you been? I missed you so much!”


“Shhhh!” I silence him putting my fingers on his lips. This is funny.  I reach up standing on my tippy toes and kiss him.  He gasp and stares at me surprised, but a second later he smiles and chuckles  “What?” He didn’t like it?

“What what?”

“What?”  I giggle. That’s a lot of what! This is funny!

“Come one” he says shaking his head “I’ll take you inside” he pulls my arms from around his neck and hold my hand.

“Where are we going? Do you want to drink? Do you want some tea?”

“Oh God no!” He says and starts laughing. His laugh sounds so different from what I remember. That's funny. I laugh with him.  


We continue walking towards the house but something is wrong, my feet are really cold.

“My shoes!” I say looking to my feet

“What?” he asks distracted and looks down too.

He gasp and in a fast move lifts me from the ground and carries me between his arms. “You are going to get...!”  He is saying something but I don’t really care. I am finally in his arms, and they are so strong and warm, I drift away

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