Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


“a furisode?”

“Yeas, Nakamura-sam will be preparing the tea. It is a Chaji ceremony”

“Nakamura Hatori?”

“hai” (yes) Wow! Its my first tea ceremony. And Nakamura-san will be the one making it! My cheeks burn. Last time I saw him I was fainting on his arms. He must think I am so weak I bite my lip nervously


Wearing a kimono is hard. First you have to wear a Hadajuban, which is like a linen yukata (A yukata is a summer kimono) but smaller in the length and in the arms, it is the first layer, and its tied with several koshihimo, small strings of fabric. Once everything is nicely tied you put on a Nagajuban which is like a hadajuban but is longer, made out of silk with a beautiful pattern and it will show around the neck, this one is kept in place with Korin belts. Next  you put in the eri-shin which is a small plastic piece that keeps the neck of the nagajuban firm and crisp, when that is done you tie the korin belts really tight (really tight!). Once everything looks nice and wrinkles free, you put on the Haneri which is a beautiful silk embroidered collar. After that we put a Date-jime and underwrap that keep everything straight and nice and tight. Next is the Tabi which are white slip toe socks. Why you wonder you have to put on the socks now? well because after the next step you won't be able to move! doesn’t sound fun!!


Socks are on and now is time to put on the pads, which is folded towels that you put in the from and the bank to give the body a waistless shape, and they are tied with more koshihimo strings. Now you put on the kimono, in this case a Furisode, a long sleeved kimono that is saved for really special occasions. The one I am wearing is black with medium sized purple and gold flowers, it is really traditional, and oh so beautiful! On top of that you put on Obi-ita which are flat-wide-hard plastic boards with ties that keep the waist flat and the pads in plae. Once that is nice and tight! (am I saying tight too much? well it is tight!) we put on the Obi-age, a beautiful silk scarf that wraps around under the bust a couple of times and holds at the back the Obi-makura a small pillow that will give bulk to the bow at the back of the Obi. And now finally the Obi! yay (which means sash, in case you havent realized that yet) The obi is the big belts that you put around the waist and tie in the back. The very last things are the Obi-jime, a small beautiful piece of cord that ties it all together, mine is black, and the Obi-dome a decorative brooch worn over the obijime knot I am wearing a purple stone with gold accents.


Two hours later (one and a half hour to assemble everything and half an hour to tie the Obi)  and after being scolded several times by Akane-san I am almost ready. My hair is up in a beautiful high bun that shows the nape of my nake (The most important part to show to a suitor according to Akane-san) My lips are in a red just a little brighter than my natural color and my eyelashes have a coat of mascara.


I am thirsty but I can’t drink anything, I am tired but I can’t sit. So I just slowly (because my leg movement is really limited) pace around.


“You father will not be able to pick you up?” Akane-san says at my back

“What? Why?”

“His flight from China got delayed and he made it only half an hour ago,  he still has to come home from the airport and get ready, so you will be there in his representation. Nakamura-san will pick you up”

“I thought he will…” I don’t finish what I am saying. Akane-san is walking towards me holding a small box, her face looks serious.

“Haruhi-chan” He calls me and I startle. She has never call me chan. I swallow

“This is the kanzashi that you mother used the first time she came to Japan” Inside the box there is the most beautiful hair ornament I have ever seen. Made with purple and rose flowers with gold and blank rims and accents. I bring my shaky hands to my mouth. ‘Mom!’

“Turn around” she says gently “You must not cry! You have to live a beautiful, long life!” she places it in my hair.

“Arigatou” I say, my voice breaking. That instant the door slides open and Nakamura-san appears.


His hair is combed to the side, his usual paste glasses are gone and he is wearing a black suit with a white shirt open at the collar, and it fits him so, so well. Who is this man and what has he done to Nakamura-san.


He looks at me and immediately looks away looking upset. What the hell!

“Good evening Nakamura-san” Akane-san greets him.

Nakamura-san clears his throat and smoothes the hard lines on his front. “Good evening Akane-san, Furutaodu-sama”

“Good evening Nakamura san”

“Nakamura-san?” Akane-san stares at me quizzically “He is only four years older than you, and he has learn Nakayima-sensei’s teaching just like yourself. I understand why you are not on first name basis but after tonight, there is no reason why you shouldn’t be. So I believe Hatori-senpai would be the way you should refer to him.” She finishes and we both look at eachother and the same time, blush crimson and look away in opposite directions. “You guys should leave now” she says muffling a laugh.

Nakam… Hatori-senpai (God, it feel so weird to call him that way!) helps me into my Zory and we are ready to go. The drive there is uncomfortably quiet but he must be nervous to perform the ceremony. I keep glancing at him, there is a thousand question that I want to ask him but I know right now is not the time. He parks the car and walks to the other side to get the door for me.

Moving in this thing is hard, getting off the car without Akane-san’s help is going to be a challenge! I swing my legs to the side ready to jump but before I move he has his hands on my waist and I instinctively reach for something to hold. Oh my God his arms are so strong. He carries me slowly and lands me softly in the floor. And we both look to the opposite directions at the same time.

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