Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It makes no sense why nobody wants to tell me anything, but it's been a week without incidents, so I guess things are good.

I hate test, but I like studying, specially by myself. So I don’t mind waiting on the eighth floor of the library until night time, we are in the middle of October and there is only two days before midterms begin and it gets so crowded there are not enough chairs, or so I heard. I enjoy this solitude and quiet, the wind moving the threes, the yellow light of the street lamps, the cold coming from the window glass I am next to. Fall is finally here.        

I hate having to take the elevator and go all the way to the first floor to get something to drink, but I ran out of orange juice and I need it while I study (that and highlighters! I can’t learn without them) so I have to go downstairs and bare with the few people that still recognizes and stares at me.

I am almost back, I hope nobody stole my stuff. The bell rings, and I can feel it, I can smell it before the elevator doors open. I sprint out by the small gap and run to the left, I can see the edge of his coat right before he disappears behind one of the bookshelves at the end of the floor, by the time I made it there he is on the other side right about to turn one more time.

We are fools playing on a maze of books, the moment I reach one end he is already turning on the other, I keep chasing him,  zigzagging. He is getting closer to the fire stairs and further from me, I know if he makes it there before me I won’t have a chance to catch him, but why do I want to? Why am I running towards him, instead of away!

He opens the door quickly and right before he disappears he turns and flashes me a smile

I can’t sleep. I can’t stop thinking about that smile, and that pisses me off. He is trying to kill me! Right?

The next morning I am tired and distracted, and of course Joy punishes me for it by having me hold two buckets of water with my arms stretched up, until is time to get ready for school.

After classes are done I meet with my friends at the library, we are 8 people on a small room at the library’s third floor. the white board is full of pre-cal equations, I think Myle is the only one that has a clue on how to solve anything so I go sit next to her, we study while everyone takes breaks or eats snacks. There is so many people at the library today that I am sure he is not going to show up, he hates crowds   

Suddenly I feel it, and my head turns up immediately looking for them, I get up from my seat as fast as I can and I don’t care what my friends think because I am pretty sure they know that something is wrong, I can feel it on the way they are staring at me. I have to get out of here as soon as i can. They can’t get hurt! they can’t!

There is so much noise and so many people around me that I don’t think anybody has notice the three ninja-looking guys running around the floor. I can’t even see them, but I know they are here, and I know what they are after.

I sprint towards the double stairs, people is coming and going and I suck at dodgin but for some reason I make it without crashing into anyone. I am about to reach the second floor when I see joy on the other flight of stair running up!

“Joy!” I scream forgetting for a second that I am inside a library. She - and everybody else- immediately turns and i know enough to keep going downstairs and out.

I make it to the first floor and turn around just in time to see Joy jumping from the second floor and landing a few feets from me. One second later she has my wrist and is pulling me outside. I jerk from her grasp but follow her closely, i can barely hear their steps chasing us, but i know they are getting closer.

Joy runs inside a covered garage and uses the stairs to take us to the top of the building, the sun is about to hide, we have nowhere else to run.

“Show yourself” Joy whispers at the same time that pulls, from God knows where, a Yedo (Korean style sword. Joy Is Korean by the way) On the blink of an eye four black figures appear.

“we are so...” I don’t get to finish what I am saying because Joy screams and charges toward one of the guys at our right side. I hear the smack of to blades at the same time that I duck and barely miss the blade from another guy.

“Rebecca” joy screams while attacking two guys at the same time. And then I remember that for the past weeks she has made me wear knife on my calf, I reach for it and throw it to the guy running towards me!

I don’t want it to aim, but it does, barely. but that doesn’t stops him, he has a sword and i lost my knife, the only thing I can do is look for higher ground and so I do, and of course the only higher ground of the top a parking lot building is the edge, but i am good at balance so I go for it. I use to my advantage the fact that they don’t know this and most likely will think that i am about to jump, and I am able to kick one of them head so hard that he gets knocked out. His sword is there, I have to get it.

Then Joy screams.

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