Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

All my friends know I am half, so I guess seeing me fighting with a Japanese guy is not that out of character, but doing it on the middle of school! And with a guy with a sword? If I was them I will be burning with questions. But nobody has said anything about it since I gave that lame excuse that they probably thought it was someone else.  

I feel so blessed and loved. I know I am not ready for their questions and whatever else that they want to say! Neverless they are still my friends, they still talk to me the same way, I even think they feel I am cooler now, I mean who can jump five foot  high while being chased? :)

School is hard, like always! I study, I meet my friends and I have to work out -again :( - because that's the way Evie (My friend, and lab partner,  from Bio2, one of my sophomore classes) and I have been doing since the beginning of the semester, and there is no way I can tell her I have to wake up at 5am to do tae-kwon-do with my ‘roommate’

It's been around two weeks  since I started my training with Joy! I don't know if I am faster or stronger but I am definitely starting to feel less tired, which is great, because midterms are about to start and I am going to have to pull plenty allniters. But I heard the library is open 24 hrs, and they serve pancakes after midnight. Pancakes make me happy! Yet I am not happy, not even close. Something  is off today again, something is making me sad and I refuse to acknowledge that, that something is that he isn't here.

I walk to my last class turning around like a fool, trying to find someone that's not there. The classroom is full, everybody is anxious for next week’s chemistry test, and Dr. Boot is enjoying every second of a classroom for 200 people, completely stressed and death quiet.

Then someone walks in, actually a bunch of people, all Asian, all perfectly dressed in black suits and in the middle, on a gray striped ensemble that cost more than my entire wardrobe,  my dad!

So that's why he isn't here today!

“excuse me Dr Boot!”  My dad says with his heavy accent "my name is Ren Furutadou, and I am Haruhi's father"  How the hell does he know Dr Boot’s name?

Everyone goes from staring at him to looking around trying to find out who is Haruhi and why she is been publicly humiliated!

"I apologize for my rudeness for interrupting your great lecture, but is a family matter that can not wait. I promise it won't take long"

I am sure this is the first time that Dr Boot in all his entire life as a professor has been speechless

"Haruhi" he screams my name in a terrifying way and stares at me somehow knowing exactly where I am sitting. So I have to stand up and bow "otosama" (extra polite way to say dad) The classroom that should be burning with murmurs is still death quiet. I walk trying to look dignified towards my dad. He starts to walk towards the door, he is waiting for me at the entrance I bow again to him and walk towards his direction

He stops right by the exit

"Haruhi! You are not going to bow to your professor" he yields at me offended and embarrassed

"Dr. Boot" I turn around and how "please excuse me and continue with the class"

We are at the hallway but I am sure everyone is hearing him scream at me because the room is still quiet. Not even Dr. Boot knows what to think of this.  At least my dad speaks in  Japanese

(translated version)

“Shame to me, to your mother’s memory, (I have to blink back tears) to your ancestor. How can you be such a dishonorable daughter! Pack your things"


"Wait" Joy is running toward us, and the second she reaches us she kneels to bow down to my father  "Furutadou-sama it's not her fault" her Japanese is perfect "a couple of months ago I notice someone following her..."

‘Sebastian!’ I have a mini heart attack  

"No" I interrupt her! I can't let my dad know that he is here. But Joy looks at me, and in her eyes I see the understanding of an older sister, one that knows the secrets you don't tell her.

"He and his group has been following her since she came back from China. I captured one of them and made him confess but he was killed before he could say who is really behind all this"

my dad didn't expected this so he jerks me by the arm and pushs me inside the classrooms "get your stuff”

"Dr Boot I apologize but Haruhi has to miss your class today! Thanks you for your understanding and for being such a great person. It is a honorable man the one that teaches and guides the young minds" at that moment one of my dad’s guard walks in with a huge gift basket with fruits, two really expensive wine bottles, some red cheese balls and crackers all wrapped around really asianly. “Thank you for teaching my daughter I hope everything is of your linking, and please don't forget to scratch my daughter name on your attendance record for today" By that time I am at his side and bow again to say goodbye.

5,4,3,2 one! The classroom burst in a torrent of gossip.

We r back at Joy's, my dad seems to like her, I don't think anymore he hired her to take care of me, I have the feeling that she offered herself, but that is something she has to tell me. My dad is embarrassed and I know his guard is going to have a tough time, how could they not trace an entire group that's after me ? But more important is why is she protecting him? Because of me?

"Don't you have homework " just like that Joy sends me to my room and my dad likes her even more.  

I lay on the floor next to my bed and see my iphone 11 missed calls 6 from Joy, 3 from Mindy, one from Evie (damn it! I didn't let her know I couldn’t work out today with her!) and Alex! My eyes go wide and call him back immediately

"Haruhi" Hi says on his sweet, soft voice. He sounds a little worried

"Alex" I bit my lip

"Are you ok? I heard what happened at Boot's"

"How?" I don't really wanna know

"We'll kind of  the entire school was talking about it"

"is there a video or pictures"

"Now that mention it I will find out, I don't think so you know he has banned cellphones during his class. You might want to call Mindy, she is freaking out.”

“I will”

“I am glad you are ok, I know is hard for you telling us stuff, but whenever you are ready…”

“Thank you”  I smile to the phone

“Have a good night Becca” Is the first time he calls me that way. I like it.

My dad leaves and I go downstairs to hear what my new sentence is, but Joy’s gone too, at home is only me and another gift basket.  

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