Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


It has been three weeks since the last time we met, three week since I felt his skin and smelled his intoxicating scent. I turn around shaking my head. I am not going to think about him. I bite my lip. He can never be mine.

I turn around and get off from bed, winter is beautiful in Japan. Snow is falling copiously outside. I sit in the living room and Akane-san is at my side in a second. “Have some tea”

“hai. arigatou” (Yes, thank you) I put the tea on the little table in front of me and grab the book I was reading last night. Mario Benedetti. He is one of my favorite poets.

The books opens itself to reveal the poem my mom left me with. She gave me this book for my 14th birthday and in this page there was a beautiful filigree bookmark.

Don't give up, you still have time

to reach up and start anew,

Accept your shadows,

Bury your fears,

Free your burdens,

Fly again.

Don't give up, that's what life is

Continue the journey,

Follow your dreams,

Unstuck time,

And uncover the sky...

...Don't give up, please don't give way,

Even if the cold burns,

Even if fear bites,

Even if the sun sets,

And the wind goes silent,

There is still fire in your soul

There is still life in your dreams.

Because every day is a new beginning,

Because this is the hour and the best moment.

Because you are not alone, because I love you.

Before I know it tears are falling copiously, I have to move the book away so they don’t damage it more than they already have. I sobb pulling my knees to my chest. Is almost as if she already knew.  


I open my eyes slowly. The sun is up. I felt asleep in the living room but there is a blanket in top of me. I turn around and look outside. The sun is slowly melting the snow.  “Furutadou-sama” Akane-san is at my side. She is and always has and always will be the housekeeper. “Have some tea” She places a cup of steamy green tea in front of me.


Days in Japan are slow and beautiful, most of the time, sometimes I have to accompany my dad to important business meeting and functions. There is one tonight. I know it because Akane is pulling out the kimono boxes. I take a sip and ready myself for a long, boring, day.   


I miss Houston. I wont be back until a couple of days before school start. I have been here since the 23rd and I haven’t seen my friends since our Christmas/white elephant party (well most of them. Mindy and Sonya skyped me on Christmas and New years)  I smile and grab my iphone, it has a new purple case with a cute bunny in the back. I close my eyes remembering.


“Haruhi” Mindy calls me. “Isn’t Asian people supposed to be always on time? how come you are always late” She is smiling and pulling me towards her, he brown hair tickles my nose, she is so short!. Everyone is sitting in a big round table at La Madeline. We are on a table by the fire, everything looks really Christmassy. “We order you the chicken pesto!” Myle smiles and hugs me.

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