Chapter 14

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(A/N) smut smut smut smut

Haha I like that word


Chapter 14

My eyes widened as I stared into the shocked brown eyes of Shawn.

I looked between him and the girl, and without another word, took off, running down the street.

I could hear my name being called.

But I didn't once turn back.

I kept running, taking out all my sadness and anger with each painful stride.

I don't know how long I ran, but the sound of my feet slapping the pavement was like a rhythm.

It comforted me.

All of a sudden I collapsed onto a grassy area my throat clogged up, not allowing me to breathe.

Well fuck.

I gasped for air, finally calming down, but beginning to let tears flow freely down my face, recalling the last few days.

It grew darker out, and it became colder.

I had no idea where I was, but I was in a particularly shady area.

I shivered, curling up on a bench.

I heard a crash near me and some cussing.

My eyes snapped open,and I waited for the person to pass.

They didn't.


I turned at the sound of a very drunk, very angry mans voice calling out a name.

He stumbled toward me furious.

"Andrea! You little bitch. I told you not to run away." He said angrily, slapping me across the face.

"I-I'm not Andrea," I gasped, holding my face in pain.

"Liar," he smiled devilishly, punching me across the face.

I cried out in pain, tasting blood.

I fell onto the ground, crying now.

"IM NOT ANDREA!" I screamed.

"WHY ARE YOU LYING TO ME?!" He screamed, rearing back his leg and kicking me in the stomach. I spat out blood, seeing spots in my vision.


Another kick.


Another kick.






He screamed the last part, delivering a blow to my head.

I screamed, blood and tears running down my face, tasting blood in my mouth.

The spots grew, covering more and more of my vision until it went completely dark.

Shawn's POV

"What do mean she's gone?" Cameron asked,confused.

"She ran down the street and I lost her," I muttered.

"Dude! What the hell, there's some really bad areas out there," Taylor said,annoyed at me.

Kasey gasped.

"What if she's hurt?"

My stomach fluttered nervously.

She couldn't be hurt, could she?

The phone rang, none of us wanting to answer it, each of us looking around to see who would answer it first.

Finally I got up, answering it.

"Is this one of the Magcon boys?" A stern female voice asked.

"Yes," I said anxiously.

"A guardian of Megan McIntire told me she was staying with you guys," the lady said.

"Correct.." I replied, still not understanding.

"Well.. Megan is fatally injured, you may want to say your goodbyes," the lady informed me, telling me the address of the hospital.

I collapsed onto the floor.

This was all my fault, I could've stopped her.

But I didn't

And you know why? It's because I was to busy making out with Ashley, assuring her I didn't have any feelings for Megan.

I looked up at the worried faces of the boys and girls around me.

"Megan's injured," I croak out.

Everyone gets up and charges towards the door, and we drive to the hospital.


Shawn's POV still

We rush into the hospital, and I find the nearest nurse and ask her what room Megan's in.

She tells me room 34 on the second floor.

Everyone else crowds into the elevator but I take the stairs two at a time, turning down the hallway and searching for her room.

I slow to a walk once I see it looming ahead.

I open the door and walk in, taking a double take at the sight before me.

She had a huge bandaid around her head, blood seeping through it and a swollen lip and two black eyes.

I had never felt so awful in my life, seeing her like this.

I shouldn't have left.

This wouldn't have happened.

I slowly reach out and grab her small hand, sparks leaping up my whole arm.

I entwine my fingers with hers and hear the door open. I jump up and walk out, leaving the others to talk to her.

After a few minutes I walk back in, taking in the scene around me.

Suddenly the machine starts going crazy, beeping loudly.

Maeve and Kasey start to cry hysterically and I look over at the heart monitor.

The beeping stops and one continuous sound makes its way to my ears.

The line is dead.

She's gone.


(A/N) I just love cliffhangers ;)

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