Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The next couple hours I was quiet, even on the way up to the beach house.

"What's wrong?" Cameron asked, turning around from the seat in front of me.

I shrugged , "Nothing, just tired."

He gave me a disbelieving look.

"You can tell me you know.." He said.

"I would, if I had anything to tell you," I replied.

He turned around. Wow I must look rude. I didn't mean to be blowing everyone off, I just wasnt in a very good mood. I told myself that I wouldn't mope for the rest of the vacation, and that I would become better friends with the boys.

I tapped Cameron on the back.

He turned around and looked at me suspiciously. I smiled at him and asked when we were going to get there. He told me in a couple minutes.

I thanked him and returned to gazing out the window, watching the houses grow bigger as we approached the clear ocean.

We pulled into a decent sized beach house, lots of glass, with beautiful palm trees and green grass surrounding it, and a private beach in front of it.

There were gasps from the girls, as the boys had been here before.

Everyone unloaded their bags and tromped into the house.

Nash stood on top of a couch and yelled for everyone to be quiet.

"First, we'll sort out the sleeping arrangements," Nash said, causing whispers to break out.

"First floor- The jacks will share the master bedroom, Hayes and I will share the other room, and Aaron and Matt will share the other one.

Upstairs- Megan and Taylor will be sharing one, Carter and Maeve will be sharing, Cam will get his own, and Jacob and Kasey will share."

Taylor smirked at me.

Everyone began to grab their stuff, heading in different directions.

I marched upstairs and to the room Nash had assigned me. There were two beds. THANK GOODNESS. So everyone would get their own bed. Our room had double doors that led into a balcony, over looking the beach. The downside, was that our room only had one bathroom... And one big dresser for our clothes.


I began to put stuff into draws, concentrating on unpacking.

Taylor walked into the room.

"Hey roomie," he said walking over to the dresser with his bags.

"Don't ever call me that again," I laughed.

He opened one of my draws and frowned when he saw there were things already in there.

"Make some room, my swimsuits are going in there," he announced reaching to throw my stuff out.

"No way! I got here first!" I said, crossing my arms.

He shrugged and started tossing my underwear and bras out of the drawer, cackling.

He picked up one of my bras and began to run around the room with it.

"TAYLOR WHAT THE FUCK!" I screamed, chasing him around.

I jumped on top of him and grabbed my "stuff" glaring angrily at him.

The door swung open.

"Ooh- sorry did we interrupt something?" Maeve asked, taking in the scene before her.

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