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A|N // I know you guys might be like girls don't usually tell their whole life story in a day to somebody she doesn't know . One , that's not even part of her life that just like a sneak peak there is much much MUCH MORE. Two , You'll be surprise how many girls do that. Lastly, there is a quote in the book " You'll just be a stranger with all my secrets " I put that there for a reason remember it.

Also this chapter is pretty long.

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Josie's POV

" Shut the fuck up ! " I groaned , I turned off the alarm that woke me up from my heavy slumber. I never thought a hangover could get this bad. It felt as if shards of glass was poking the backs of my eyeballs constantly. My throat was dry & my stomach was very upset wit me. I could feel a pulse in my head from the pounding of my headache that was making everything much worse. The sunlight peaked through the blinds which I wanted to escape but I knew I needed to get up.

I lazily got up from my spot & dragged my feet across the cold floor to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror & surprisingly my face didn't look bad. It was no dark spots from under my eyes from the left over eye makeup. Wait I didn't take off my makeup . I don't even remember anything from last night after I stole that bottle everything was a blur.

I decide to take a cold shower to wake me up fully & slowly make this hangover go away. I unpeeled my clothes from last night & stepped inside the shower. My body tensed up at the contact of the coldness but soon after my body adjusted to the temperature. The water darkened my hair & streamed down my back as my head hung low.

After lathering my body in soap & washing my hair I felt better but the headache was still there. I plopped down on the bed & just stared up to the ceiling. Nothing from last night was coming back to me at all. I just want to remember , what if I did something I regret ?

My mind was clouded with ideas. Did I have sex with somebody , Did I throw up , Did I even enjoy myself ? I don't know but I couldn't stop myself from thinking about it. I put on a white " Baby girl " crop top sweat shirt with a pink tank top underneath , some white pants & white pumas. I put my hair into pony tail with a pink & white dad hat. I don't know what I was getting dressed for but I hated staying in bed all day.

Instead of the heavenly smell of breakfast in the morning , sweat , liquor , & all types of disgusting smells invaded my nose. I gagged at the awful smell & made my downstairs. Bodies of people were all over the house , hungover & sleep from the events of last night. I carefully stepped over them & went into the kitchen which was even worse. Red plastic cups & bottles everywhere. I found a trash bag in one of the drawers & started cleaning.

" Get up ! " I kicked the boy on the ground who groaned from the early wake up. His eyes fluttered open but I didn't bother to greet him. I went on to the next person & did the same. Along the way I picked up the trash that littered on the floor.

People cursed & flipped me off but I only bugged them more. " Get up people , go home ! " I shouted , my voice echoing through the house. Girls , their hair & clothes were all messed up while the boys looked like zombies dragging themselves out the house. A few people said goodbye while others either panicked or wasn't in the mood.

" Need help ? " A voice said behind me. Austin was in a thrasher sweater with grey sweatpants. His voice was scratchy & deep from just waking up. I nodded & he grabbed another trash bag , following my steps.

" I didn't see much of you last night . What happened ? " He asked.

" Well I stole one of your bottles than got drunk as hell. I don't even remember going up to my room to be honest. " I spoke truthfully & He chuckled. " I think Nick brought you up to your room , I saw you two together last night. " I looked at him like he had two heads. I was not with Nick last night.

Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now