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OPEN ARMS ISSA BOPPPPPPPPP.  but lol here guyssss. it might have a few typos.

Josie's POV

" So why would Ace tell me that ? How come Nick doesn't remember me ? " I question , I had a lot of questions and I hope my Uncle answers them. I wait in my room for any news on Zion. Right now he's upstairs so I can't see him. Its about 2 am and I'm stressed as hell. Elom and Grams should be getting on the plane in a couple hours.

" You were young. You probably remember little things like how you remember those things about his mom's murder. There's a reason Ace told you that but that's for him to explain to you. It's none of my business. "

" Whatever. " I rolled my eyes. " It's none of my business but Ace told me ? Okay. " I snorted & covered myself with the blanket over my head whilst I ignore the man who claims to be my uncle.

" If I tell you you wouldn't forgive your brother. You wouldn't forgive nobody. " That's when I snatched it away from my head & sat up. " Tell me. I don't care about anybody else. " I urged and he sighed.

" Jocelyn Blair. " He warned and I just looked at him with a dull expression. " Okay . Here goes nothing "

This changed how I look at my life.

" When you were younger I used to take you to Los Angeles with me so you can travel. You loved the bright sun , the people with cool shirts and glasses , How calm the city was , you loved everything about LA. One day I asked your dad to take you and he got all rowdy about it. Your mom agreed but she let me take you a couple times more. The only reason I was going because I was doing business with Vincent , I was trying to stop the war between us and them. He was actually going to do it. But then one day , the last day I took you it was the worst day. I went to go see Vincent and you asked me to go to the bathroom , screams were heard and you were hovered over her body , clutching on to her night gown. You wouldn't let go for nothing but Nick was the one who got you off. He was young but that boy knew a lot of things. He wasn't at all dumb. " He spilled and the tone in his voice had me almost crying. 

" Your father's men did it but to answer your question about Ace. Vincent got back at him , the very next day a girl , who I can't name was in the house with Ace there was a shooting into the windows. That girl just happened to be by one of the windows and she got hit in the head. They were very close , closer than you two were. He really despises you for may reasons. " 

I don't remember any of that. I wish I did because it was explain so much. 

" Why though ? Why does he hate me  ? "  I had to know. 

" That girl .... s-she's your .. god how do I explain this to you ? " He ran his hands over his face , I could see the stress in his eyes. 

" Tell me Hunter ! " I fumed , I was getting more angry by the minute. He looked me in the eyes and I took a deep breath. 

" I came here to tell you something. I'm telling you this now because I won't make it alive throughout this day. " What is he talking about ? " 18 years ago ... A woman had an affair. She was beautiful , long black hair , pale skin , Hispanic , the way her body curved . She was unlike any other person. One day she was outside in the cold because her husband kicked her out the man's brother saw her. Her teeth was chattering and her body was shaking. To make this long , long story short , she went to his house that night and things got romantic. One minute he was running his hands over the tattoo with the tree and her son's name around it . The next minute they were making love. " 

My eyes start to water as I listen to the story. I know exactly where this is going because my name was added to that very tattoo. The tattoo that has my brother's names on it. 

" Months later she was back with her abusive husband with the brother in the dark. Watching his baby grow in her stomach. They would sneak around and have fun , it was clear that she was more happy with him than the one she promised her life to. The baby was born and a beautiful  girl was born. The abusive husband couldn't make it to the hospital so that day the brother named his daughter. The birth certificate said Jocelyn Blair Rosette Diaz , Mother , Alexis Cruz and Father .... Hunter Diaz. Which was true. " Tears and sobs escaped him as he finished and I was crying right with him. 

I didn't know what to feel . Was I angry , sad , happy ? I don't know. My emotions were everywhere so was my thoughts. I couldn't look at him or even speak to him. I got up from the hospital bed and walked out the room. He didn't follow me but what he didn't know was that I was leaving the hospital. But I got to go do something first. 

I rushed up to Austin's room , where a slumped Nick and a woke Austin was. I walked slowly into the hospital room and Austin moved his eyes from the tv to me. 

" Hey . " He smiled but it quickly faded when he saw my tears. " What's wrong ? " 

" Um I can't stay here. " 

" What ? " He laughed . " The hospital ? okay that's f- " 

" No , here .. in LA. I'm leaving Austin but I came here to tell you goodbye. Tell the rest of the boys I said goodbye. Especially Nick and Zion. Nick won't understand why but tell him I'll leave a note for him at my apartment. Zion , he would be angry but you need to tell him not to look for me okay ? "

" What are you talking about Jo ? Wait where are you going ? " He tried to reach for me as I walked out , saying goodbye one last time. I went into one of the rooms where the nurses stood and stole some clothes and sneakers. Next I know it I'm on the streets of LA , going to my apartment to pack for another city. 

It was now or never.

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