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I love ya so much do not hate me.

remember that Lucky is played by David Henrie

Nick's POV

" yeah I guess he's doing fin- What the fuck ! " I look down at my shirt & coffee is spilled all over my shirt. I look up to light green eyes & pale skin. He's smirking at me as he walks by. Nick calm down before you slap this ugly headass. He looks like he could be on one of those stupid ass Disney shows. 

" Hello , Nick you there ? " Edwin asks through the phone. He's currently in traffic & meeting Brandon at the airport. He's definitely going to miss his flight. 

" Uh yeah this dickhead spilled his cheap ass coffee on me " I groan as I take tissues from the hospital counter. I decided to come back not only for my boys but for Jo , she's going through this too. I dabbed the tissues on the stain making it clear up a little. I throw them away & make my way to Jo's floor. 

" So you like this Jo girl ? " if you wanna call using her then okay. 

" Yeah I guess . " I roll my eyes the words feel bitter rolling off my tongue . I could never like that girl , it will never happen. 

" Cool I mean we should throw her a welcome home party. I can invite the girls , Kiyah , Bri , Stella , Melissa , Chris , Brooke , the others. It won't be the same without Austin & Z but its what we can do for her" He is taking this girl way too serious.

" Wait isn't Bri staying over to watch Austin ? " 

" So ? She can still come. "

" Yeah like she will ever leave him. " 

" Whatever , Ima plan it so make sure to keep it a secret "

" Fine I don't care ." When I reach the floor I make my way to the room to see nurses & doctors all over. " Uh Ed I gotta go ." I stuffed my phone in my pocket & ran over to the madness. 

" Miss do you know what happened ? " I ask the nurse with the mask . She was the only one not in the room which was odd. She shook her head & walked away. If the bitch didn't wanna help she could've said that. 

" She's seizing !! " One of the doctors called out. The devil on left shoulder is telling me to laugh it off & let it be because you won't have to kill yourself. The angel on the other is telling me to show concern & be a good friend.

" Son do you know her ?" The head doctor asked when I step into the room which I answer yes to. " Something happen & we don't know if it's because she's allergic to one of the medicines . We don't know. Her brother's came here earlier but I'm guessing they left. " 

That's when I step out. What the fuck ? Her brother's are in LA ? fuck no. I need to hurry up & get this plan going. The doctors work on Jo & I didn't even look at here , I couldn't. It was too much . She finally stopped seizing & they put a punch of things on her. A mask & some wires. I didn't even care about the girl but it was sad. 

The doctor steps out & removes his gloves. " She isn't doing great at all. She's going to have to stay a few more days. " I nod & he pats my back , walking away. Ima just go see Austin real quick. I'm guessing she won't be waking up anytime soon.


" She's really a good friend Nick. " I mock Austin as I look out the window with my back facing him. " Stop mocking me you dick. " 

" She's okay I guess. She isn't all that. " I shrug & he chuckles. " What ? "

" I hated Bri with everything in my body because she was doing everything in her power to get me & Tiffany to break up. I realize I actually liked Bri for making me realize my true feelings for Tiffany. " 

" I don't know Aus , I actually liked Tiffany. " I said humorously. He throws his hospital pillow at me & I start laughing hysterically. A few years ago Tiffany got into modeling in London so her & Austin broke up .... or so that's what they tell people. 

" Shut up . Anyways what I'm saying is give it a try. " He takes about out his hospital food & I grimace in disgust. I hate that jail food. " So she had a seizure ? " 

I nod. " Yeah I think its from the concussion. They said medicine but it's no way. " He agrees & my phone starts to ring. The devil.

" Yello ? " I answer 

" Son .. how's plan - terminate Christian's daughter-  going ? " I excuse myself from the 2 broken legged boy into the hallway.

" Really ? Terminate ? " 

" I'm just joking. Not really , any who . How's it going ? Fucked her yet ? " I could already picture him with his cigar in his leather chair , smirking.

" No dad in fact she's in the hospital. She isn't doing good at all. But it wasn't me. " 

" Oh okay. Well Kill her soon . Talk to you later Nicholas. " He hangs up before I can drag his ass through the phone. I hate my real name , sounds like virgin , church boy. 

" Austin Ima go see Z ! " I call into the room before going downstairs. I haven't seen him since I came in here & I feel bad. That's my brother & I left him. Nobody has seen him yet what kind of friend am I ? 

" Ugh what now ! " My phone rings for the 100th time today. " Hello ? Calm down Edwin what happened ?! " 

" B-Brandon ... the plane ... before me ... & oh my god Nick. " 

" I can't understand you Ed ! What happened to Brandon ?! "

" I told him to go on the plane without that I'll meet him on the plane. The plane took off & i-it blew up Nick ! Brandon's dead " He's sobbing through the other end & the minute he says that . My heart stops & I fall to my knees. 

" Code blue , Code blue . Room 2132 " 

Zion's room. 

Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now