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Double update hoes lol ya ready ? This chapter is about to get intense soooooo pay attention ( still in past tense but it goes into the present. )

I changed how long it was. It used to be 2 weeks before but now its 1 week. 

Lucky is played by David Henrie & Ace is played by Carter Jenkins.

Josie's POV

I cover my head with my arms as I crouch down. It was one shot but right now I'm scared for my fucking life. Tears roll down my cheeks & I could feel myself breathing harder. Banging at the door makes me lift my head but my fear turns into anger when I hear laughter.

" what the fuck ? " I whisper to myself as I slowly get up & open the door. The three idiots stand before me with huge grins on their faces. " He did it ! " They say in unison & point at each other. I know damn well they didn't shoot by accident. I already know there is going to be a gunshot somewhere in the ceiling. I push past them into the living room & I look on the ceiling to find nothing. 

" Where i- " They all point to the wall towards the kitchen. Luckily I had a side apartment; the bullet would've went to another person's home. I'm so used to guns going off by accident where ever I live that all the fear & anger went away. " I swear to god if you don't get those weapons out my house I swear to god I'll be the most angriest person in the world " I swore & they promised over & over to keep them away. God knows how much I hate them.

" Um can I talk to you guys ? " I ask ,sitting on the couch. They all nod & take a seat in front of me on the other couch. " As you guys know I don't want you here at all but I'm willing to work with you if you keep Christian away. I don't want him to know where I'm at because then my new friends get involved. I can't have that happening. " 

" What new friends ? " Lucky spoke , here we go. 

Before I can answer a huge smirk grows on Ceon's face , how can he be the oldest but the most childish ? " 5 boys. " He laughs & I could see the other two faces lit up. Not with anger , humor. 

" Boys ? Names I need them. " Lucky teases I just want to slap them or just hurt them. 

" Brandon Arreaga , Zion Kuwonu , Austin Porter , Edwin Honoret & Nick Mara. Look I gave you full names now shut the fuck up & leave me alone. " I roll my eyes & snicker at their serious expressions. " What ? " 

" Mara ? Do you know his family ? " Ace was the one to speak now. His mood changes confused the hell out of me. Why were they so concerned ? Something was up & I needed to know why.

" A few days ago Zion told me his father name is Vincent. That's all, we aren't close . " I shrugged. The boys exchanged looks & they all got up from there seats. I learned a little about the boys even know there was only a few words about Nick. What makes him so special ? 

" Don't you know your history ? " He asked . Lucky & Ceon raced out the door , slamming it behind them. I shook my head & all the anxiety crawled in. " Remember when were were younger & Mom almost had a miscarriage with Jonah ? You were young , probably about four but you were crying . You found mom with all the blood ? " 

I thought it was a dream. I can't remember the whole thing but my mom was passed out with blood on her thighs & the window was broken in the bathroom. I don't remember anything before or after that. 

" It was a lot of blood. That's all I can really remember. " 

" Vincent Mara. He did that , he tried to kill Jonah before he was even born. If dad finds out that he has a son here he will kill us for not killing him. " My eyes widen & I was more than shocked. I  won't let them do that to Nick. He rushed to the door but I ran in front of him to stop him. 

" No ! Don't do it. Please Ace , he isn't like that. I promise. " I didn't know him at all but Nick didn't seem like the type to be like his father. I heard stories about that man & lord have mercy. I would never want to even look at him. I put my arms out in front of Ace,  guarding the door. 

" You don't know him well enough. Soon he will play tricks with your mind & lure you in. He tried to do that with mom plenty of times. Trust me Jojo . " He tried to move in front of me but I blocked him. I knew he can easily throw me aside like a rag doll but he was trying to hear me out even if he didn't want to. 

" Ace those boys love each other so much & they would never forgive Zion for letting me in their life. Zion would know it was you guys. You're right I don't know them but I know them well enough to know they will stand against you guys for him. I don't want the problems Ace. " I looked at him & he just looked away. He shook his head & pushed me aside like I knew he would. 

He ran down the exit closest to the apartment I didn't bother running after him I just ran back into my home to my phone. I quickly go dial the number I knew would not tell Zion but keep everything safe. 

" Hello ? "

" Austin ? I need you to go home & make sure nobody is there. Leave as far as you can for a couple hours , I'll explain everything later. " I throw on some shoes & my " Life is a game , play it " Sweatshirt . " Where are you ? " 

" Im at Nora's Grill. Zion is at the house Jo , should I go there ? " I could hear rustling at the other end . My heart drops to my stomach & everything goes in slow motion. " Jo ? "

" Uh yeah. Go now Austin ! " I hang up & just take the stairs. If I run I could make it there faster the LA traffic is too much right now. Before I start running I call Zion a few times but he doesn't answer. " Pick up Z ! " I groan as I speed walk through the flood of busy people. People give me dirty looks as I bump them but I ignore them. When He doesn't pick up I just start running & those dirty looks turn into confused looks. 

Its a 20 minute run but I can make it. Hopefully. 

Zion's POV

" If they put a price on me, I'll double what they pay, yeah. They say they don't like me, give a fuck about what they say, yeah .I could take your bitch and make you think about what you say, yeah  " I rap along to A Boogie's new album as I clean my room. The song keeps stopping from calls from Jo , probably begging for me to come over. Next . 

I put my phone on airplane mode before continuing what I was doing. This is the longest me & Jo haven't spoken but she's always right. I was harsh but still she was really getting me tight , you're supposed to be my best friend yet she treats me like shit. I wish I can get a new o- 

The ranting in my thoughts stop when there's a ring of the doorbell downstairs I would ignore it but Austin did say he was coming home today. He probably forgot his keys or something at his girls house. I jog down the stairs & open the door. " Look you need to stop leaving your damn keys Austin . I'm not going to be here. " Everything stops. 

 Once I see a masked face I run back inside but when the pain shoots through my back. I know I'm done for. I try to take another few steps & another source of pain spreads through my body. I fall to the ground instantly. Blood falls from my mouth & I can't even move.

 Im rolled on to my back , the pain getting much worse. My vision blurs as my lungs fill up with blood & my body starts to weaken. I never felt this much pain in my life. 

I'm met with brown eyes & A gun to my stomach. Eyes that seem to familiar. " Tell Vincent we said hello. " 

& Just like that my life flashes before my eyes. 

Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now