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A/n: Like I said this book is ending soon. This chapter till have to letters that I'm revealing. I've been updating slow because I just been stuck on what to write and no motivation was left in me. But Im back and Im better.

If you haven't got me on twitter follow me @bmocsroses

I have 2 new books out btw. Go readddd.

Jo's POV

I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry. Kill Christian ? That's like getting tickets to a One Direction show. Its nearly impossible. People who are professional killers have tried to get to Christian and when I say they fail everything , I'm telling the truth.

" Kill him ? You're not serious Nick ? The only reason you were even that close to him is because he allowed it. Its a suicide mission , you can't do this. " I shook my head at him.

" I have to try " He shrugged , this boy is asking for it. " But that doesn't matter right now . We have to get you out of here " I could tell he wasn't even sure with that choice himself. 

" How are we suppose- " I cut off myself as I looked out one of the windows to see my brother. " Wait Ace ! He can help me , help both of us.

" Are you crazy ?! He wants to kill me. He would never trust me. " He scoffed. He wasn't wrong but he listened to me before , he would listen to me now.

" Ace is on my side , he wouldn't betray me. He would help you with Christian. " I assured him , he bit his lip I just hoped he would go with this.

" What about you ? "

" I'll be fine. Nick we have to hu- "

Banging was heard on the other side of the door. They knew we're here . I bang on the window countless times trying to get Ace attention. I know this will cause more problems but it was worth the risk. He looks around to see where the banging is coming from till his eyes land on me. I gesture him to come and he runs towards us. Nick is trying to hold off the men but I know they will be in here soon.

" Open the window. " He yells , luckily for him we were on the first floor but for us we would've been dead the moment we tried to run out. I push up the window , he climbs in. " Jo are you fucking crazy ? They know you're in here. Why are you with him ?! "

I wanna talk about this whole situation with me , my long lost sister and christian but now is not the right time.

" Look I know you probably want to kill me but your sister is in danger. We need to get her out of here. " He grunts as he holds the door , holding back then guys trying to come in. They're yelling threats , struggling to find a way to us.

" Fine but he won't make it out . " Ace tells me , tell me something I don't know.

" I know that's why I need you to do a favor for me. "

" What ? "

" Help Nick kill Christian. " I let go of the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. He's not surprised with my choice of words but I know , he knows this is hard.

I look at Nick as he looks at me. He's scared but so am I , Im going against the man I thought was my father not only that , he's out to kill me.

" I could help but Jo this means you can never see Nick again , ever. He would have to change his identity and move out this country. Im not even being dramatic. There will be lots of people after him. "

" What ? No , let me go wit him. " I protest, I can't leave him.

" You can't there's no way you can. "

Nick stays silent , his focus isn't on me right now. But mine is on him , I don't know what to do.

" Nick say something. Nick ! "

" What do you want me to say Jo ?! Go against his words ? I can't not just give up on this. Im sorry if anything I'm doing this for you. " he spoke harshly.

I didn't realize till now that my feelings were so strong for this boy. I felt as if my heart got broken twenty times over. We never did anything , barley kissed , we didn't even like eachother. But he's just like me and I guess that says enough.

" Jo we have to leave. " Ace puts his hands on my shoulder. I look at him and all I know is that this is the end. I go back to my normal life when I barley started a life with Nick.

" Okay , whatever. " I roll my eyes , hide how I really feel. Nick is taken back by my sudden mood change.

" Here's the plan , Jo you're going to run out this window, go to my car and stay there. Nick you'll hide while I get these guys distracted. They will never suspect anything from me. " I listened to every word making sure I knew the plan correctly. After making sure I understand, I nodded .

" I'll see you soon. " He kissed my forehead and stood in front of the door , nick backing away from it. Our eyes locked for a minute but I look away. " Nick hide behind the boxes , once this door opens Jo get out of here. "
As my leg went out of the window , I sat there , waiting. Then it hit me , if Nick does this he will never live a normal life. If I do it , I won't have nothing to lose.

That's what I'm going to do .

I looked a Ace waiting for his signal , he reached for the door handle , he mouthed to go. I slipped out the window, something stopped me before I had a chance to run.

" Wait Jo. " Nick's hand was grasped on to my forearm. " I'm sorry . " He looked into my eyes , his soften with weakness and sadness.

" I'll get you out of this Nick , I promise. " I kissed his cheek , got out of his hold and ran. I ran till I saw my brother's car. He called after me but I didn't look back. As soon as I got to the car I roughly opened the door , jumping inside the car. I went inside the glove department, rummaging through it till I found what I was looking for.

I unloaded , then reloaded the clip , cocking the gun back. One thing Christian shouldn't have taught me what to do is use a gun cause now Im using his own tricks against him.

I took a deep breath before getting out the car , looking around for anybody , running back towards the building my brother told me to leave. I heard gun shots and arguing which only made my heart pound more. I have to do this.

I went around the building , back to the same window I came from. I slipped through the opening , nobody in sight. Im sure my father had changed his spot from where he was in the building so I didn't bother to go there.

I tried hard not to make noise as I ran through the hallway , watching my every move. I ran into something as I was looking behind me , stumbling back I looked up. Tall , strong guy in-front of me. Deep brown hair , blue eyes , strong face structure.

That was until I noticed who it was.

" Kian ? What are you doing here ? How are you here ? " I looked in the eyes into the boy I never thought I'll see again. Somebody I thought that was ripped away from my life , literally.

The boy I was forced to love.


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