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I decided to give ya more updates today

Nick's POV

" Zion ?! Austin ?! Shit ! " I quickly pull out my phone & call Austin & Z but they don't answer. I curse to myself & knock over the vase by the door. It shatters all over followed by a crash.

" fuck ! " I scream . I know I can't act out like this. It would only make things worse. It was a shooting so soon cops will be here & I need to get things straight. I count down mentally from 10 & gather myself together.

Okay Nick calm down. You got this.

I quickly clean up the place. I go to the supply closet & cover my fingerprints with gloves & grab a trash bag. I pick up the shells from the bullets , carefully throwing them inside the bag. After that I grab some bleach & pour it against the marble floor. I clean it up & bad thoughts flood my mind.

It could be one of my boys or somebody else's blood either way this is not good. I know it has to do something with that Jo girl. It has to be . All of a sudden she comes & drama starts ? Yeah okay.

I'll probably kill her on the spot if I find out she had anything to do with this. Especially if its one of my friends , fuck the deal.I haven't even started it but fuck it. Ill kill her & she won't even except it.

I clean up the glass in a fast pace & I really wanna hurry up before the cops get here. I have to go find Austin or Zion. I'm glad Brandon & Edwin are out of town but they'll be back soon when they find out what's going on.

I run out to the ranger rover putting the evidence in the back of the truck. I hop into my seat & get to looking. That all gets interrupted when my phone starts blaring.

" What ?! " I bark , I hear bickering on the other line & I start to worry.

" Okay , hold the fuck on B. Sheesh. Nick ? "

" Yes ? Hurry up cause Im tryna find out where's Austin & Z ! " I swerve on the road when a car jumps in front of me . I put the phone away from my ear. " You stupid son of a bitch ! " I call out receiving a honk.

" I think I know where Austin is at but its bad bro. Real bad . " Edwin panics , Brandon is shouting profanities in the background.

" Bad how bad ?! Get the fuck out the way ! " Fucking LA .

" Okay where are you ? "

" A few blocks from the grill . "

" A car crash between a custom range rover & a truck is literally down the block. The rover looks just like ours Nick. It has to be him. We're coming back , bye ! " He hangs up & I pass red lights , stop signs & ignore the old people crossing the road. When I see sirens & floods of civilians I know its bad.

Worse than I thought. News reporters & press everywhere. Caution tape & police guarding the scene.

" 3 young adults in critical condition as delivery truck collides with the 2017 custom range rover... "

" Witnesses says it came of nowhere ... "

" it seems the young driver , yet to be revealed was speeding down Hollywood Boulevard. Police say they're ruling it as a ... "

" Sorry young man you can't go through here. Its a crime scene . " The pale officer with blue eyes & a tall frame speaks with authority.

I look past him & I know its Austin's car. Its flipped over & smashed into pieces. But there's no bodies.

Trouble // Nick Mara AUWhere stories live. Discover now