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Okay so I've decided to double update today now and later on. This book is ending in a few chapters sooo be prepared. Alsoooo I decided to just give you the next name for the book.


The book won't be posted right away because I want to edit this one first. I will be writing my zion book also.

Also ... the prologue is different. I'm sorry guys , I know thats messed up lol but the way Im ending the book now is way different then the prologue. Sorry you won't have to go back if you don't want to.

Another thing , idk who should be Kian but I was thinking Dylan Sprayberry ... Think who you want but this is just how I see him

last thing is .... I want to dedicate this chapter to esb and coochiemuch lol love yaa

Enjoy ❤️

Was I dreaming or is this real ? I haven't seen this boy in years all of a sudden he's here , fighting against me with my fa- Christian.

" J-Jo , how come you're here ? " He questions . His vibrant ,  blue eyes were dull and dark. His light brown hair was messy and untamed. He didn't look himself.

" I asked first. " I crossed my arms over my chest as he sighed , running his fingers through his hair.

" Christian put me here , Im not telling you why though. " He shook his head.

" So you leave and then don't tell me why ? Do you realize how much you hurt me ? " I scoffed , flashbacks of us run through my mind.

" You're acting like it was real , we were forced Josephine ! " He spat , nothings changed. He hasn't changed , if anything he's worse.

" We were forced but I actually loved you ! You took the one thing I wanted to keep. I thought you were the person who would be there for me no matter how we got together. I thought my brothers killed you for god's sake. " something flashed through his eyes that he quickly covered up , the mean mug , clenched jaw.

" I had no fucking choice but to love you. It wasn't my intention to even get with you. If I didn't do all those things I wouldn't have this job now! " He shouted , voice echoing through the hallway. I refused to cry because it's his lost. He used me .

" I hope you fucking die. " I pushed past him but he grabbed my wrist , pinning me against the wall.

This takes me back to when Nick did it but he didn't do it with anger or guilt. Kian is guilty for what he did but he's angry that he was put through all this. But all he's thinking bout is himself.

" Let me tell you something. You're wanted for murder in this place , we're not together and I could careless about your feelings . I could kill you. " he hissed , he wrapped his hand around my neck as his body pinned mine against the concrete wall.

" Get off " I gasp for air as he tighten his grip , I pushed and kneed him , making him groan. Hand still wrapped around my neck , fighting to get loose , I yell for help. " Kian , please ! " I pleaded.

As his eyes was fixed on me , I reached for his gun , struggling. I pulled it out his waist band , aiming it at his chest , the grip on my neck loosened. He stared at me in shock as his hands fell down to his sides. I backed him into the wall , pressing the gun into him. 

" Now here's what you're gonna do , you're going to help me kill Christian before somebody else does. If you don't I'll make sure my brothers kills you. " I threatened , he scoffed . 

" What if I kill you first, huh ? You're brothers won't know a thing. " He snickered , I was taken back by how cold he was being. " Well my brothers are listening to every word you're saying. Want to talk some more shit ? " His eyes widen , shaking his head. 

" Why do you want to kill Christian ? "

" Cause' if I don't , the person I like most is going to go to jail. He deserves better than that. " 

" But that means you will go to ja- "

" I know , Im willing to take the risk. " I nudged him with the gun for him to walk forward , he complied. All I can think about is how my life is going to be over in a matter of time but if it means Nick will restart his , Im fine with that. 


Nick's POV

Me and Ace approached the door , catching our breath as we leaned against it. I rethought everything , making sure this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to do it. Not only to end this whole drug lord thing but to help Jo escape her past. I took a breath , nodded at Ace. He kicked the door in , Christian sat in a chair , looking up at us. 

The room was empty , steel chairs and a table. Only one man , one man to kill , one man to end. 

" Took you long enough , I've been waiting for you. " He sneered , it didn't surprise me. He's always one step ahead but little did he know we have a whole plan set in front of us. 

I took a seat in front of the man as Ace took one next to me. He narrowed his eyes at his son , the one who betrayed him. But it seemed like he been knew this. 

" We're not here to talk father. " I stood quiet as I watched the father and son challenge each other. " You did a lot of things to Jo , things I let go on for a while. It stops here." Ace growled , somehow I believed his words. I believed he would help me end this. 

" Just because we're here alone son doesn't mean if you lay a finger on me that you will be making it out of here alive. " I believed his words too. " Tell me Nick , wanna talk business or you do you wanna sit here and risk your life for Josephine or Jocelyn as she calls her self. "

 " What do you mean , business ? " I raised my eyebrow at him .

" Let's make a deal . " 

A deal with the devil. 


Update coming l8ter

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