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Josie's POV

1 week before.

" Zion you're really fucking annoying ! Leave already " I groan as I plop down on the bed. Shortly after Brandon left the rest went right along with him. I was alone for a few days but now me & Zion is about to rip each others head off.

" You know what ? You're really fucking dumb telling them your business. They're my friends but you know better than that j- "

" Jo this Jo that ! Leave me alone ! " I scream in the pillow & keep my head in it. I'm bout to explode.

I don't know what's his problem. I never seen him this angry before but I couldn't give to flying fucks. I hear stomps stalk over to me & before my mind can process what's happening I'm yanked up from the bed.

" Zion what the hell ?! " I scream at him. His grip on my wrist is tight & my face his inches away from his as he hovers over me. Damn you , you tall sob.

" Tell me to leave you again ? You know I will. " He says in a low voice. I roll my eyes at him as I try to pull away but he grips it tighter to the point its starting to hurt even more. " Do it . You know I'm the only one you can depend on right now Jo . "

The audacity ...

" I. Don't. Need. You " He just shakes his hand & roughly pushes me away from him. " You can leave all you want. Everybody leaves me you already left. " I roll my eyes again & he scoffs.

" You know I actually felt guilty for leaving before but now ? Fuck you. " He smiles & I just wanna slap it off his face. " Ew sorry I don't do that with people who called me their sister " I smile back & his fades.

" You're really pissing me off. "

" I don't even care I'm leaving ! " I stalk over to the front door & he doesn't follow. I slam the door behind me & by the time I hit the elevator I notice how dumb I look. I speed walk back into the apartment & rush over to the bedroom. " Out . This is my house. " I point out to the door & he just laughs.

" Bye. "

" Bye stupid ass. "

I swear to god I hate this boy he gets me so mad. Nobody gets me more mad than Zion.

The doorbell rings & I lose my shit. " Look it you need to leave me alone with your giraffe headass for real Z I'm not in the mood" I swing open the door & stop ranting when my brother's large figure is revealed. " Oh its the son of a bitch " I get out the way so he can come in & close the door behind him.

" We have the same mother ? " He asks with confusion & I just laugh. " Exactly. " I giggle. My brother always seem to put me in a good mood without even trying. Wait I'm mad at him.

" What are you doing here Jayceon ? " My mood changes & he notices as he leans back dramatically " Ceon " I whine.

" Okay god. Actually I got bad news. " He walks over to the couch & plops down on it. I wave my hand in the air telling him to tell me as I take a seat next to him. " Promise that you won't blame me for this ? "

" What is it ? "

" Ace is coming to L- "

" Get out " I whisper.

" What ? "

" Get out ! " I shout. " What the fuck Jayceon ? Are you serious ? How does he even know I'm here ? I swear to god you better leave before I choke the shit out of y- "

" Jocelyn please just calm down. Hold on " Just as I was about to yell at him some more his phone rings. I cross my arm over my chest when he answers. " Yeah ? Okay ... Just don't yell at her. No I won't tell you where she is . Fine. Its for you . " he holds the phone out & I quirk a eyebrow at him. " Here "

I snatch the phone from him & I almost have a damn heart attack.

" Jocelyn ? "

" Dad ? "

I hold on from phone away from my ear & cover the mic. " Jayceon what the actual fuck ?! "

" Talk to him ! " I hate him I swear to god I hate him. Even more than Zion right now. How could he even do this time. I hold the phone to my ear again. " Hello ? "

" Jocelyn Blair Rosette Diaz ! I'm going to kill your little ass ! Where are you ? Tell me right now or so help me god I would - where are you ? " He huffs. I could feel tears coming & I try to hold them back as hard as can.

" Sorry Christian I'm not telling you. " My voice fails me as I try to show confidence. Its crazy how he as this effect on me & we're nowhere near each other. I hate myself now.

" Are you out your rabbit ass mind ? You will tell me . Don't you know your little brothers & mother is losing their shit with that stunt you pulled ? Listen to me little girl come ho- " I hear rustling in the back & whispering. " Hello ? "

Not this bitch too.

" Its bad enough I don't want to talk to you now you want to come on here ? bye I'm hanging up. "

" Wait please Blair. " My mother sobs & my heart breaks. I tell myself don't give in but I sigh.

My mother hasn't called me by my middle name in years. They gave me it from my grandmother from my mom's side. The Rosette part came from my dad's. I don't know why but she calls all of us by our middle names. " Shoot. " I tell her. I put on a stern voice if she knows I care she will try anything to make me feel guilty.

" You don't have to tell us whe- SHUT THE FUCK UP CHRISTIAN ! God. As I was saying , don't tell a thing but I do have to tell you something. "

" What is it mom ? " For the first time I call her mom. Wow this is too much. She tells me to hold on so she can get away from my dad & I excuse myself from Jayceon & go in the room. " Go on. "

" The same day you left your father came in shouting & I know you heard. He was only angry because he found out you were stealing from us. He was in a good mood earlier that day but the bank accounts were empty & he noticed. I knew you were doing it & I knew you were planning to leave but I wanted you to. You were going through hell & as a mother I didn't protect you. This was your escape & I wasn't holding you back. Do you wanna know why your father was actually happy that day ? "

Not really. " Sure "

" Your father took over a new city. Los Angeles. "

What ?

" What ? Mom tell me you're lying please. " The tears fall & I'm a sobbing mess. Just when I thought everything was going good it starts to fall apart. Did Jayceon know about this ?

" Blair are you there ? "

I wipe away the tears & get myself together. " Yeah . " I clear my throat & sit on the bed. " Yeah I'm here. "

" A new city means pregnancy. "

" Pregnancy. " We say at the same time.

" Yes ! We knew about the new deal for weeks & we tried the first time & here we are. I'm a month pregnant . " I could hear how happy she was but I wasn't. Now is not the time for a kid.

" I'm happy for you guys but mom I can't come back if he is still there. You won't leave him I know. I'm sorry. " I sob again. Not only from my dad but because I miss my mother. I never knew how much I did. I regret leaving her no matter how many bad things I say about her.

" What's wrong ? "

" I-I gotta go. I talk to you soon. Te amo mama . Cuidate. "

" Te amo Blair "


SHOOOOOOK omg lmfaooooooo how you guys liked this one ? Okay the next few chapters will still be past tense. Only like 2 or 3 chapters so pay attention.

Much love !

remember:3 votes & 4 comments for the next chapter !

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