Chapter 15 Rangers?!?!

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"Rose are you okay?" The yellow suit girl said. "Yea. But we must get Emily and her friends safe from here." Rose said. "Agreed." Said the blue suited guy. Ashley grabbed Emily and started to run with her. They all started running deeper and deeper into the forest. Then they came to a stop. "I think we will be safe here." Said the blue guy. "Here, lay Emily right on the ground." Rose said. Ashley goes and puts Emily on the ground where Rose told her. "Rose? Who are they?" Aphmau said. "And what are you guys? I have not seen any of you around here. Where did you come from?" Vlad said. "Oh well it's a long story." Rose said. "Well just shorten it." Aphmau said. "But first tell us your names?" Vlad said. "Oh ohm we can't tell you our names. If we do then all of us will be in big trouble." The blue suited guy said. "What do you mean?" Aphmau said. "Our enemy will do anything to find out who we are." The blue suited guy said. "Okay. Then tell us what you are?" Yip said. "We are the Power Rangers." The blue ranger said. "I have an question. You keep answering questions that we ask and your the only one. Does that mean to are the leader?" Ashley asked. "For now yes. But I'm not the leader. I am 2nd command. The red ranger is the leader." The blue ranger said. "Then who is the red Power Ranger?" Ashley asked. "Yea and what happened to him?" Yip said. "Him?? Oh no the red power ranger is a she." The yellow ranger said. "And she has been sent to your world by our enemy." The white ranger said. "But could she get back?" Yip said. "No. Before our enemy sent her to your world, he took her powers." White ranger said. "Oh and how long has she been missing?" Aphmau said. "Ohm she went missing in 2014." The blue ranger said. "Wait 2014. That was the year I meet Emily." Ashley said.

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