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A/N: This one goes out to carter0414 I really hope you enjoy this one. Stay in school😉🤟🏽.

None of my roommates were home Saturday but on Sunday, Declan, Grady, and Megan showed up. We hung out, talked about our break, and watched movies.

As promised, Jess called me when she left, before she boarded, when she landed, and when she got to her dorm. She told me that she spent her last two days with her family. Apparently her sister and her mom are closer now but her dad is gone too much for them to get close like she wants to.

Waking up early Monday morning for class sucked. Dragging my ass out of bed I trudged to the bathroom and showered.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath.

Wrapping a towel around my body I peaked out the door before attempting to sneak to my room. Key word being attempt.

Whistles sounded through the apartment and three flashes went off when I reached my door. Whoever was behind me got a fairly good picture of me. Due to the smallness of the towel my ass was just barely covered.

"Damn Lex." Declan said.

Megan whistled," I'm most definitely keeping this."

"Send it to me," Tyler said chuckling.

I turned and raised an eyebrow at him," um, excuse me Mr. Gay pride, what would you be doing with a picture of an almost naked girl on your phone?"

"Art," he reasoned, shrugging.

Rolling my eyes I went in my room and threw on a pair of black cargo shorts, a white polo, Jordan's, and a black SnapBack.

"Bye gorgeous," Megan said as I snatched up my book bag and left.

My professor frowned when she saw me. She glanced at the class before stepping to me.

"Miss Stratton I was under the impression you would be at the school."

"Why would I be there?"

She sighed," you must not have checked your email. Mr. Beverly, the gym teacher, told me he contacted you and wanted to meet with you today."

"Shit," my eyes widened," I mean, never mind. What about this class?"

"The volunteering you do counts as credits for this class so long as you volunteer a certain amount of hours for the week."

Nodding I waved before sprinting out the class. I called an uber and waited the six minutes and I was at the school before I knew it.

The school was pretty small but then again it was an elementary and middle school. I stopped at the office and asked for directions to the gym before jogging there.

Luckily there weren't any kids there, the gym teacher, Mr. Beverly, was looking at his notepad, then his watch.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I hadn't checked my email." I apologized as I walked in.

He looked up and sighed," don't sweat it, I'm glad you showed up," he stretched his hand out," Mr. Beverly. But as my assistant I'd like you to call me Jason."

I shook his hand," wait, isn't there an interview I have to do before I get the job."

"You could do that. But I saw your application, I saw your grades, and I've spoken to some of your professors. I think you fit the bill." He crossed his arms.

I nodded my head slowly," okay. I'd still like to do this the right way though, if that's no problem."

"Sounds fine. The 'interview' is really me allowing you to teach a class. I see how you act with the kids, how you handle authority and I decide if I want to keep you or not. Sound simple?"

Expectedly Holding On - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now