Chapter 7: Poetry Reading.

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Aurora sighed and slammed her locker shut.  She could have swore that she'd left her new blue jacket there, but it was nowhere to be found.

She turned on her heal and practically ran to history class, when the first bell rang.  Mr. Collins would surely kill her if she was late again.

She made it just in time, before Mr. Collins shut his door.  Adam gave her a look that said, "where have you been?" as she sat down next to him.

She grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down a quick note.

Bad morning.  I woke up late and I can't find my new jacket.

She waited until Mr. Collins turned his back and handed it to Adam.  He read it quickly and handed it back to her.

I see.  I hope your day brightens up.

She smiled gratefully at him and gave a small nod.

For the rest of the class period, Aurora sketched meaningless doodles on her notebook.

The bell rang, and Aurora and Adam headed to their next class.

"Are you ready to read our poem to the class?" Adam asked as they entered the English room.

"You mean my poem," she joked.

He laughed and took his seat.

Aurora sat down next to him and took out her notebook with the poem in it.

Mrs. Tanger came into the room and said cheerily, "Hello, my class! I hope you've all had wonderful days thus far.  Today, we're going to read our poems to the class, so be ready! Now I will choose a group at random!"  She paused and grabbed the list of partners.  She closed her eyes and pointed to one.  "Adam and Aurora go first!"

They stood up and went to the front of the classroom.

"This is the poem we wrote and it's titled 'Not Alone'." Adam said.

Aurora began to read her poetry,

"This world we're living in is a crazy place.

Full of war and hate.

I know you feel like you're dying

But you keep quiet and hope that no one suspects a thing.

You just smile and avert your eyes.

You keep the conversation at a slow pace.

You wish someone sees through the act.

You don't wanna face this anymore.

The truth finally sinking in.

He's not coming back again.

You cry yourself to sleep.

He still haunts your dreams.

Who can you lean on?

Who can you trust?

All you know is changing.

You can't see a thing through those tear-filled eyes of yours.

Do you see the light?

You're not alone in this."

Adam took the second half.

"Silently you grow and change,

Because nothing ever really stays the same.

You have become alive again,

You know the places you have been.

You rise from the ashes,

And you find some new passions.

You'll never quite be the same,

But at least this way you know you're sane.

He didn't come back,

And you're still a bit off track,

But you'll soon see

That this is what was really meant to be."

The class applauded and Aurora handed her paper to Mrs. Tanger.

They sat back down and listened to the rest of the groups poems.

At the end of class, Mrs. Tanger sent around a paper for the class to vote on.  All of the groups poems were listed and she was going to put the most voted one in the school newspaper.

Everyone did their voting, and Aurora was surprised to see that her poem was most voted for by the time it reached her.  Aurora cast her vote and handed the paper to Mrs. Tanger.

"Looks like Aurora and Adam win," she said with a smile.

'Maybe today won't be so bad after all,' Aurora thought.

Beauty and the Geek (I will eventually edit this)Where stories live. Discover now