Chapter 14: Singing in Biology.

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Adam came back to school the next day, much to Aurora's delight. Having him there was nice, like a part of herself she hadn't known was missing was given to her.

They walked to biology hand-in-hand, silly smiles plastering their faces. His black hair was messier than usual and she could see the deep circles behind his thick frames.

"You okay?" she asked him.

He nodded as they took their seats. Mr. Moore came in the classroom and slammed the door.

"Let's begin." he said and started taking role.

He lectured after that and then jokingly made the comment, "If you can sing the Periodic Table of Elements song, you get extra credit."

Adam raised his hand and said, "Can I do that now?"

Mr. Moore laughed, but nodded. "Okay, Adam."

And Adam began to sing, "There's antimony, arsenic, aluminum, selenium

And hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium

And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium

And iron, americium, ruthenium, uranium

Europium, zirconium, lutetium, vanadium

And lanthanum and osmium and astatine and radium

And gold and protactinium and indium and gallium

And iodine and thorium and thulium and thallium

There's yttrium, ytterbium, actinium, rubidium

And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium

And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium

And bismuth, bromine, lithium, beryllium and barium

There's holmium and helium and hafnium and erbium

And phosphorous and francium and fluorine and terbium

And manganese and mercury, molybdenum, magnesium

Dysprosium and scandium and cerium and caesium

And lead, praeseodymium and platinum, plutonium

Palladium, promethium, potassium, polonium

And tantalum, technetium, titanium, tellurium

And cadmium and calcium and chromium and curium

There's sulphur, californium and fermium, berkelium

And also mendelevium, einsteinium, nobelium

And argon, krypton, neon, radon, xenon, zinc and rhodium

And chlorine, carbon, cobalt, copper, tungsten, tin and sodium.

There are the only ones of which the news has come to Harvard

And there may be many others but they haven't been discovered."

The whole class just sat there in shock. What had just happened?

Aurora had a huge grin on her face and Adam grinned at her.

Sure it was geeky, but it was super cute, Aurora thought.

Then the bell rang and Mr. Moore asked Adam to stay back. Aurora stayed with him.

"I can't believe you actually did that. Not many high schoolers could do that, or admit they could."

Adam shrugged, "It's just who I am, sir. No use trying to change it."

Mr. Moore nodded, "I'll be giving you 10 extra credit points for that, Adam. It really was amazing."

Adam grinned and took Aurora's hand. "Thanks, Mr. Moore."

They walked out of the room and Aurora kissed his cheek.

"That was so cute." she said, taking his hand.

His cheeks turned a little pink and Aurora's grinned widened.

Today was a good day, Aurora thought.

Beauty and the Geek (I will eventually edit this)Where stories live. Discover now