#40: Cherry Soda

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I sat down in a booth with a cigarette between my fingers. "Can I take your order?" a blonde asked with a writing pad and a pen out. "Uhm yeah, I'm not that hungry just a cherry soda with chocolate ice cream." she nods. She eyes me up and down and bites her lip. She keeps looking at me for longer, it starts getting weird. I whisper a thanks so she can go and watch her leave in disgust. The night had just began and the light was drained from the sky. The diner lit of pink and blue, like usual the booths were all full on Fridays. Full of teens and cheerleaders. I was the only one who was alone in a booth. The blonde comes back and sets down the sugary drink, "If you need anything, call me over." she says with a smile. She goes back behind the counter. I puff out smoke from my cigarette, suddenly someone rushes in and people look at the crazy looking woman. Some don't due to the loudness, her hair seems a little messy and her eyes scan the room till they stop at me. She rushes over to my spot and sits down across from me.

   "Your late

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   "Your late." I say sipping on my drink. "I know, I know, shit." she says fumbling through her purse and getting out a cigarette pack. I get my lighter out as she puts the cig between her lips, I light the cigarette for her. "What were you doing? Cause you sure as hell weren't getting ready." I say eyeing her frame. She chuckles, "Danny had some trouble that I needed to handle, that's all." I give her a confused face. "What trouble?" I ask seriously. "He was just arguing with me, he threw some things and I had to clean up." she says puffing out smoke in rings. "God Ariana, just fucking leave him." I curse. She stays silent, she pushes my drink to her and sips from it. "Why don't you just leave him? He treats you like shit I don't understand! Do you like being treated like that?" she finally meets with my eyes.

   "I'm married to him for fuck's sake!... I don't want to talk about it please." we are silent for minutes. "You are gonna get hurt Ariana. I'm trying to help you, he's not a good man. He's a killer." I mumble the last part. She looks at me with wide eyes livid. "What just because you live in a mansion and you have money? That's why you'll stay with him?" I say lowly. "Shut up!" she yells causing some attention around us. The place gets quiet and Ariana notices her body slumping down a little. After a few seconds it returns back to normal, the diner getting louder. "Don't fucking say that," she says through gritted teeth her body moving up her elbows resting on the table. "you're just a whore." she says puffing out her smoke all proud of herself hoping it will offend me. "Yeah? What will happen when your husband finds out you're dating a whore?" I raise an eyebrow at her. She stays quiet.

   I start breaking down my cigarette on a tray. I take a long sip of the drink one last time. "You don't love him, you love me. You just don't wanna say it, you're to scared to do anything about your marriage. You brought yourself into all this." I slide out of the booth and set three dollars on the table to pay for the drink. I leave the diner and go out to my ride.

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