Chapter 20

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Annabelle has left the room, still shocked at what she agreed to do. Yes, she was close with Rye and she really liked him, but sleeping with him in one room made her uncomfortable. However, the idea of Andy finally having some time alone with Amanda managed to outbalance all the problems. She walked to the door, freezing for a second, wondering how Ryan would react at her sudden appearance. She hoped, he didn't mind her staying over as any wrong face expressions from him, would cause her cheeks to burn. She knocked loudly, praying there won't be any misunderstanding that she has any feelings towards him as even though they didn't physically talked about it, they both knew that keeping relations in a friends way would be the best idea. The sound of opening doors woken her up from daydreaming.

"Don't you have a key, And.." Ryan stopped suddenly, realising it's not his band mate he talks to. "Annabelle? What's up?" He said worried, thinking something must have happened that she's coming to his room at around 11 PM. Annabelle just blushed a little as her body closed up, making her look younger than she was. Ryan just smiled at this image, finding it really adorable. His eyes travelled to her hands, filled with her night time essentials. He looked at her with cheeky smile, as his eyebrow raised suggestively. Annabelle blushed even more, but decided to get over it, knowing she cannot stay in the corridor forever.

"I've been kicked out from my room due to a Harry Potter marathon. Fancy to let your homeless friend stay with you?" She said, phrasing the question in that way on purpose, remembering how Rye used to start his questions with 'Fancy' a lot. The boy just laughed, stepping back to let Annabelle in. She walked in, placing her stuff on the drawer near the door. Her eyes automatically found a bed; ONE DOUBLE BED. She stared at it for a while, not believing she didn't ask about that before. Ryan, didn't realise her shock as he tried to shove the clothes that were scattered on his bed, back into his suitcase.

"Hm, I can give you my one shelf if you want." He said, moving around restlessly, "for your stuff I mean" he added as he realised his sentences do not make sense. Annabelle just looked at him, smiling as she realised how nervous he was. She looked at the bed once again, deciding to just live life and throw the awkwardness of this situation out of the window. Somehow, Rye's nervousness calmed her down.

"You know, I can move to Brooklyn's room if you want, so you can have bed for yourself." He said quietly, seeing Annabelle looking at their place to sleep. He didn't know why he acted so weird as usually, he was confident in every situation. Annabelle just turned in his direction, being completely chill.

"Oh no, it's fine. I can sleep with you" she said sweetly, nearly causing a heart attack in the boy standing next to her. 'Sort yourself Rye' he thought, telling himself that sleep is a condition of body where nervous system inactivates, not the lovemaking he thought about right now. "Of course, if you don't mind it either" she added, hoping he will not have anything against it as that would hurt her confidence quite badly.

"Oh no, I'm okay with it. Just thought you may not like it" he said quickly, suddenly amazed by the idea of spending some time with her. "So what are you propositions for the rest of the night?" He asked, acting so much confident now.

"I'm too tired for any sneaking into roofs or anything like that" she laughed, remembering their last adventure. "How do you feel about being lazy and just laying in bed, watching movies?"

"Netflix and chill, I'm definitely in." He said, going to the 'kitchen sector' of the room, trying to find some snacks. Annabelle just turned on the TV looking through the channels.

"What are we watching?" She said, not being able to find anything interesting. Rye came back to her, with bowls of crisps and popcorn which he placed on the bedside tables. He leaned closer to Annabelle, taking the remote and showing her all available movies they can watch. "Oh my gosh, Shrek" she screamed, seeing her favourite childhood film. She looked at Ryan sweetly, trying to persuade him to watch it. "Pleaaase" she said, and the boy, not being able to fight with her cuteness agreed for it. "YEY" she screamed like a child, snacking on the food as Ryan went to take shower.

After about 15 minutes, he came out of the bathroom as the heat of the steam entered the room. The drops of water fell from his hair, landing on his naked chest, traveling down his body. The nervousness from the beginning disappeared completely as now he stood there only with a white towel tied around his hips, looking almost as if it could fall down any second. Annabelle froze, looking at his body as he walked through the room normally, ignoring the situation. The girl realised he did it to tease her but she couldn't stop her reactions, colouring her cheeks once again. The innocence coming from her silhouette, was so adorable, Ryan couldn't stop himself from smiling. He decided to stop torturing the girl and take clothes from his wardrobe and change, leaving the bathroom so she can take shower.

After another 15 minutes, Annabelle was all ready to start watching Shrek. She slowly came out of the bathroom, wearing a grey top with a teddy bear printed on it, paired with baby pink shorts. "Awh, Mr Right is it?" Ryan asked cheekily, smiling at the name of her teddy bear printed on the shirt.

"Shut up Beaumont, that's my favourite pyjama top" she said, coming onto the bed and lying next to Rye. They took their snacks and started watching the movie, getting relaxed by the cosy atmosphere. After about half an hour, they found themselves commenting on certain parts of it, which later has changed into a full on conversation. In the middle of arguing about the best flavour of ice cream, Rye stood up, pausing the movie. "I'll go get myself a drink. Do you want something too?" He asked, being a host as technically it was his room.

"Can you make me toffee again, please?" She smiled, remembering that it became her favourite drink, but when she tried to recreate it couple of times, it was never as good as when he did it. Ryan, hearing her struggles, decided to help and show her his secret recipe. They both headed into the cooking area of the room, preparing all the ingredients.

"Can you fill the water to the kettle?" Ryan asked as Annabelle went to complete the task, "But be careful, it..." he started, but at the same time he heard a loud scream coming from the place where his friend was standing, "splashes water if you open it too hard" he finished, looking at Annabelle with a completely soaked top. He suddenly started laughing, seeing her whole body moaning with annoyance.

"You could tell me that quicker" she said loudly, wanting to walk towards him to get paper towels. However, she didn't realise drops of water spilled on the floor, so as her leg moved, she felt her feet sliding onto the wet ground. She closed her eyes and screamed, ready do feel the pain. However, once again, instead of the hard floor, she felt Rye's hands catching her in the midway. She wobbled, placing her hands on the boy's shoulders to keep her balance.

"History repeats itself" Rye whispered quietly, staring into her eyes as he pressed his body closely onto hers. He moved his hand, so he would be able to hold her waist tighter, causing their bodies to move closer, leaving no gap in between them. Rye's top was getting wet from holding Annabelle too tight, but neither of them realised it, as the memory of a similar situation from couple of weeks ago, when they first met, appeared in their mind. However, they didn't concentrate too much about it as their brain failed to function, passing all decisions making to their heart. Rye just looked at Annabelle's rosy lips. They were so close to his that he couldn't stop himself, but think of how they could taste. He knew, he shouldn't, as it would mess things up, but he did it anyway. He leaned closer, feeling the girl's heart pumping faster. They were millimetres away from each other, completely getting lost in the moment.

However, it was all broken by the loud knock onto the door...

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