Chapter 1

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Andy's POV <3

After that embarrassing incident with Ashley yesterday I've tried my best to avoid him. I haven't succeeded... I feel like Ashley had made it his mission to torture and tease me. I felt like my dick is going to explode! He walked around in his boxers all the time, he slept naked (knowing that I'd sneak a peak because he left the curtain open on purpose), constantly made flirty comments, left the door open when he showered, and flaunted himself in front of me ALL. THE. TIME. Ugh! I even caught him just staring at me one night, just smiling like the fucking joker. He never slept naked, that's what CC's known for. If I didn't have any self control, I would've pounced on him right then and there. I was pulled from my deep thoughts by a naked Ashley walking out of the bathroom with a towel hanging VERY loosely, right above his... area. I felt my pants get tighter as I closed my curtain. I couldn't watch him flaunt anymore. It hurts so much. I wanted him so bad and I know he'll never love me back. I'm only his friends, and he's in to girls. I'll never be with him. The only thing I can do is pray. Pray? I've been doing that for years. I'm about as close to Ashley like that as much as I'm close to Justin Bieber. Not much. I should give up, but I can't. I love him, even though he'll never love me back. I started to cry as I watched salty tears fall on my pillow. They looked like a spring flowing, then it turned into a rapid river. I heard the curtain open, but didn't bother to look at who the concerned person was. I just kept crying. The person grabbed me and held me in their arms. They smelt like Ashley, but it couldn't be him. He doesn't like me, why would he do this? I fell asleep in the persons arms, silently hoping and praying that it was Ashley holding and rocking me to sleep.

Ashley's POV

I had just pulled my boxers on when I heard whimpering and crying coming from one of the bunks. I listened for a while until I figured out who it was. Andy. All the guys were in the living area on the bus. Andy and I were the only ones left in the bunk room. I opened his curtain and sure enough, it was him. He was curled up in a ball whilst crying waterfalls of tears. I grabbed him and started slowly holding and rocking him to sleep. He didn't hesitate to relax at my touch as he melted into the embrace. God how I loved this boy. I hoped he would cave soon. I'm very close to giving in, and I hate torturing him and not being able to help. I just want to hold him whenever I want, and hug him whenever I want, and kiss him whenever I want, and I want to call him mine. All I want is him. Only Him. I'm in love with Andrew Dennis Biersack, and I only want him. He's like a drug and I'm addicted. I want to be addicted to him forever. Until death do us part. When I heard tiny snores coming from his mouth, I didn't hesitate to kiss his head whispering an almost inaudible "I love you." before falling asleep with him.

Andy's POV

I woke up in Ashley's arms. It really was him. He really did care. I looked up to see his beautiful face while he slept, and laid my head back on his chest. I started to think about the last thing I remember. He kissed me on the head and whispered "I love you" That couldn't be right. I must've dreamed it. I was in pretty bad shape. I smiled to myself. I was finally where I wanted to be, in Ashley's arms.

"Hey" I blushed at his sexy, lethargic voice.

"H-hey." Smooth. Real smooth, Andy.

"You're cute when you blush" he said. My jaw dropped.

"What?" I blurted out.

"You heard me. I said, You're cute when you blush." I blushed even more crimson.

"T-thanks A-Ashey." He smiled. He loved it when I called him 'Ashey'. He started rubbing circles into my hipbone where his hand rested right above my ass. This was pure bliss. I started tracing the outline of his 'Outlaw' tattoo when it hit me. He was in nothing but boxers and I was practically on top of him, spooning with him. I tried my best to control my hormones when he laughed and started to get up.

"Someone's trying hard there." He said. I didn't think it was possible but, I blushed even more red. "I'm gonna make a quick run to the store. Do you want anything?" He asked whilst putting a shirt, shoes, socks and cowboy boots on.

"N-no" I said. He laughed.

"Okay blushy." he winked then exited the room. I plopped on my bed. It smelt of Ashley. I'm never washing these sheets again. I sighed and got up, figuring that I'd let the guys know I'm still alive. I walked into the room and all the guys, except Ash of course, stared at me with curious and mischievous looks upon their faces. As soon as I sat down, I was bombarded with questions from CC and Jake.

"So you and Ashley?" CC said wiggling his eyebrows.

"You guys a thing now?" asked Jake.

"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!" Jinxx screamed, then he turned to me. "Listen, we know you like Ashley. It's obvious. You're redder than The Devil's fucking horns. We walked in on you two on the verge of spooning. So, what happened?"

"I don't like Ashley," I held up a hand so they wouldn't protest. "I love him." I heard CC and Jake gasp. Jinxx stayed quiet. I continued.

"I was crying. Over him, obviously because he's straight as a ruler and he'd never go for me even if he was gay. I was also crying because even thought I'll never have a chance with him, I just can't let him go. I'm in love and I'm holding on for dear life, even if he isn't. Anyway, like I said I was crying and he climbed in and held me and rocked me to sleep. I could've sworn he kissed my head and said 'I love you' but I was probably just dreaming. So that's what happened."

Jinxx stayed quiet while CC and Jake stared at me in awe.

"Wow.." CC said.

"I think he likes you, Andy." Jake said

"I agree. I think he does too." Jinxx added.

"Are you gonna tell Ash?" Jake asked

"Tell Ash what?" Ashley asked as he walked in with a small bag of groceries.

"N-n-nothing. I-I'm g-g-gonna g-go get r-ready for t-the show." I said and bolted for the door before anyone had a chance to say anything.

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