Chapter 9

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Jake's POV

I stared up at the gorgeous faux redhead above me. He snapped me out of my thoughts reaching down a hand. I lightly and quickly grabbed it and stood up. My legs still weak, head filled with overwhelming thoughts, I nervously looked up at him biting my lip. He looked at me, his big brown orbs filled with confusion and concern.

"Yo, man. It's been a long time since I've seen you guys. You okay? It's a little late to be running track." he said. I gave him a nervous laugh and just explained that I needed air.

"But doesn't running take away your air?" he asked. I shrugged.

"It helps me think."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Jakey." He chuckled. I laughed a somewhat genuine, ok not so genuine, laugh. His eyes darkened and tinted with mischief. I wondered what he was up to. He smiled and bit his lip before asking,

"Hey, um, have you seen Andy?"

For some reason, that sentence sent shivers down my spine. What's this guy up to? Hmm... I'll have to investigate when I'm once again mentally stable.

"Uh, no actually. Haven't seem him, Ashley, or CC in a few hours." I kinda told the truth right?

"Do you know where he is?" There go the fucking shivers. Seriously, what is up?

"Nah, man. Sorry. Hey do you mind if I crash in your bus, just for tonight?"

His eyes and face went back from 'I look like I'm about to rob a bank' Ronnie to normal Ronnie.

"Thanks man. And no problem, whatever you need." he smiled. I thanked him again, heading towards the Falling In Reverse bus, leaving him in the parking lot and not looking back.

Ronnie's POV

"Hey, um, have you seen Andy?"

"Uh, no actually. Haven't seem him, Ashley, or CC in a few hours." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"Nah, man. Sorry. Hey do you mind if I crash in your bus, just for tonight?"

Hmm... that's strange. Why does he want to crash on my bus? The BVB bus is much better than ours. Whatever. I made a face before answering,

"Thanks man. And no problem, whatever you need." I smiled as I watched him walk towards the bus. Not even looking back.

"Time to find Andy, I guess..." I whispered to myself as I started walking towards the BVB bus.

I needed to find Andy. I needed to tell him how I feel.

I Ronnie Radke, have a huge fucking crush on my bestfriend.

Andy Biersack...


OOOOOH!! PLOT TWIST! What will happen next? *gasp* muhahaha!

Until next time, my lovely seagulls!!

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