Chapter 4

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Ashley's POV

I'm so ecstatic right now! Nothing and no one could ruin my mood, even if they tried. I finally heard the words I've been waiting years to hear! Andy likes me back. No, Andy's in love with me! I must be the most happy, giddy looking bandmember right now. I sighed. When CC told me I was shocked, but I was as happy as can be.


"He started off with 'I don't like Ashley," he held a hand up from interruption. "I love him." CC said. I could've sworn I heard footsteps outside the door, but I ignored it.

"W-what? H-he said t-that?" I said. A bit taken back.

"Yeah. He's really in love with you. It's kinda obvious, I, of all people knew and you didn't. There's obviously something wrong with you if I figured it out before you." He scoffed

"I didn't see because I'm fucking in love with him too!" I yelled. CC smirked mischievously.

"Well if you like him back, GO GET HIM DICKHEAD!!" He screamed. I looked at him and smiled like the fucking Cheshire Cat.

"You know what? I will." That's the last thing I said before running to go find Andy. I heard CC wolf whistling behind me as I ran, but I didn't care. All I cared about was finding Andy and being able to tell him that he, and only he, captured my heart. I stopped when I saw Andy storm into Jake's room after coming out of Jinxx's. Uh-oh. I walked into Jinxx's room and he sat there with a huge smile on his face.

"He told you?" I asked?


"Couldn't be happier...?"

"Yeah, sure." he said, lost in thought. That's a good thing right?

"Good." I said as I walked out. I walked over to Jake's room and pressed my ear against the cold door.

"Ashley SO likes you back dude." Jake laughed.

"And how do you know this?" Andy questioned.

"1) he told CC last week that he did, and CC told us. 2) he gave you 3 fucking hickeys. If that doesn't scream 'I like you', then I don't know what does." Jake said. I guess I can't trust the guys with secrets anymore.

"Good point, I guess." Andy said.

"Get your lazy ass up!" He yelled. "We have 5 minutes to get our asses on stage!"

I heard footsteps nearing the door and I bolted for the stage with a huge smile on my face.


I grabbed my guitar and headed to the backstage exit. I saw Jinxx flirting with CC and I smirked. I turned my head and saw Jake and Andy coming towards us. As soon as Andy saw me, he put his head down and avoided eye contact with me. When we were ready Andy was the first one out, that's unusual. He's probably still upset about CC telling me, and he doesn't know how I feel. Well I guess we'll have to change that.

Andy's POV


Ashley was the first off stage so I decided that I'd be last. I waved to the fans, flipped off some of the haters, and walked off the stage. I walked into my dressing room and sighed. Before I could sit down, I was pushed up against the wall and attacked with a pair of lips against mine. I opened my eyes to see Ashley. Ashley! ASHLEY FUCKING PURDY WAS KISSING ME! I closed my eyes and immediately kissed back. Our lips moved in sync with each other's as if they were meant to fit perfectly together, like missing pieces of a puzzle.

We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine. He took a minute to catch his breath before speaking.

"CC told me. He told me how you said that you don't like me, you love me. Well, I've been in love with you and you're big, beautiful blue eyes, since the day I met you." He looked me in the eyes before continuing.

"So Andrew Dennis Biersack, will you do me the honor of being I, Ashley Purdy's Boyfriend?" He asked. I didn't answer, I just flung my arms around his neck and gave him a sweet, passionate kiss. I pulled away from him and spoke for the first time.

"So you've liked me this whole time?" I asked.

"No Andy, I dream about you, and I stare at you and I gave you 3 hickeys because I absolutely fucking hate you." He said sarcastically.

"Don't be a smartass." I said.

"Of course I've liked you this whole time. God you're perfect." He leaned in for a sweet kiss. It was short, but still passionate.

"Can we not tell the guys yet, Ashey?" I asked batting my eyelashes.

"And why is that babe?" He said. He called me 'babe'. The butterflies in my stomach were raging now. This is all so surreal.

"Well, I kinda just want you all to myself for a little while." I mumbled the last part blushing.

"Andy, you selfish little thing!" He scolded. I looked at him with puppy eyes. "Oh relax, I was just kidding. If you want me all to yourself, than you shall have me all to yourself." I smiled at his response. I was lucky I have the best boyfriend ever.


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