Chapter 10

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When those words slipped from Jinxx's mouth earlier, he knew there was no turning back. There was a moment of silence, tension that could be cut with a knife, before Jake's eyes widened in realization and fear. Jinxx knew that look, and he knew it well. The problem? He might've known it too well. Jinxx had parted his lips, ready to speak, when it happened. When Jake flew out of the tourbus faster then the flying friggin monkeys of Oz, leaving Jinxx there, hurt, confused, scared, an every other emotion you could think of. Every emotion but the good ones. Jinxx sat there speechless as he furiously blinked his eyelids, holding back the tears filling his eyes to the brim. He pulled at his hair, frustrated, he hated this. All he wanted was to have Jake back in his arms again. The fact that he had no idea where the fuck he was, would add to the challenge. Jinxx sat there, continuing the unbearable battle with his mind.

I just want to be able to have everything with him. I don't want to hide anymore.

I? Is that all you care about? Yourself? Did you ever think once about how he feels about this?

Yes but-

But nothing! You were too busy being a selfish son of a bitch to think!

I didn't mean to-

You didn't mean to what? Didn't mean to hurt and chase away the love of your life?


Well you're a little late, considering that ship just sailed.

"STOP!" He yelled. He couldn't handle it anymore. He bolted for the door, as Jake had moments before. He wanted him, he craved him, he needed him. And he will do anything to get him back...

Meanwhile in the Andley world

Music blasting, mouths moving, drinks swishing, hips grinding, bodies dancing. Andy and Ashley were only two of hundreds on dancing people on the floor. Ashley grinded his bum on Andy's crotch, moving his hips to the beat of the music. Andy moaned and grabbed Ashley's hips, making him stop before things went too far.

Ashley turned himself around to face his lover. "Let's go back" he slurred, the alcohol tickling Andy's nostrils. Andy simply nodded, grabbing a drunk CC on the way to the parking lot.

As they drove home, Ashley in the front and CC in the back snoring, Ashley mumbled "You were such a buzzkill tonight." somehow managing to keep his words intact. Andy just chuckled. It was true, he wouldn't deny it. He knew that these two idiots would be too shitfaced to remember anything that happened that night, let alone drive. Yeah right!, he thought. Therefore, he decided to be the 'designated driver'.

When they got back, Andy dragged a passed out CC to his bunk, as Ashley stumbled into his own. Andy closed CC's curtain and headed for Ashley's bunk. As he opened the curtain, he heard light snores coming from the older boy's mouth. Andy sighed, and kissed his forehead, letting his lips linger a bit longer than necessary, letting out a small but comprehendible "I love you." before climbing into his own bunk letting sleep take over him.

Not a thought crossed his mind as to where the hell Jinxx and Jake where. Nope. All that mattered was Ashley and his growing love for the boy.


Hey guys! Sorry that took so long! But here it is! I hope you guys enjoyed it! I really appreciate all your reads, votes, and comments. Some of you make me laugh. ^.^ Continue! I love you seagulls!

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