Chapter 6

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Hey My Lovelies! I'm so so so sorry I've been sooo busy and haven't updated in a while. Here's chapter 6 thanks for all the reads!

Andrew's POV

I heard the sound of the door click as he whipped his head around. I took the time to study him, like I have many times before. From every black, silky hair on his precious head, to his short but slim legs, and his petite little feet. He's perfect. It's like he was sculpted by the hands of God, delicately, detailedly, lovingly. It looks as though that God himself sculpted him with such love and affection, that it made him look so fragile, like he could break in any minute if you didn't handle him like delicate china and absorb him like fine whine. I studied his facial expressions, his brown chocolate colored orbs were filled with a mix of anger and... wait ... oh no .... oh god .... Lust? His thin lips curved into an evil half smirk. This was the point of no return.

He took a step towards me.

I took a step back.

He rolled his eyes and pinned me against the wall. I felt his hot breath on my face, his only inches away from mine. I felt a tent form in my boxers. This was all so exciting, I guess my dick was having an adrenaline rush. Not impossible, right? He pulled my head down so my sparkling blue eyes met his chocolate brown, almost black with lust ones.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," he started. His head moved lower as he started nibbling on my ear.

"You've been very bad, babe." he continued. Moving down to my neck, he started kissing and sucking. I moaned out in pleasure. My hips bucked up looking for some friction as the huge bulge in my boxers grew. Ashley chuckled against my neck, enjoying my struggle, and continued kissing and sucking.

"You. Are. Going. To. Explain. Everything." He said between kisses,
"If you tell the truth, I won't punish you.... too bad." He finished with a wink. I gulped and nodded my head eagerly, hoping that I'll get some relief for my humongous boner soon. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes once again. His eyebrows were arched perfectly, showing that he was impatiently waiting for an explanation.

I steadied my breathing, but my words still came out shaky and my voice, weak.

"J-Jake woke up a-after y-you slammed t-the d-door. C-CC l-looked suspicious s-so he t-took m-my phone when I wasn't looking." I gulped, exhausted. In my current condition, it was hard to say two sentences without feeling somewhat tired, let alone exhausted. Does he not get the hint? It's kind of hard to miss... Am I being too vague? Shall I be blunt and get to the point?

Ashley Abrocket Purdy, please just fuck me already.

He held his hand under his chin, like he seemed to be contemplating something. And I think I know what he was contemplating, because with one last devilish smirk he kissed me on the cheek and was gone.

Wait.... what?

That little bastard. Oh it's on Purdy. It's on like donkey kong!
So so so sorry it's so short. I'll try to update soon! :)





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