Chapter 8

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Jake's POV

I stared at him in adoration. He was just so.... no, cute wasn't the word... admirable? Yeah, yeah that works. He's so admirable when he's just thinking. The way his brow furrows and his lips purse into an almost crooked smile... We sat in a comfortable silence, I thought things were good, nothing could ruin this. I was wrong. He blurted out the words I had been dreading to hear. I knew they would be spoken from his angelic, yet sinful at night, mouth, I just didn't know when. Yet here we are. My jaw dropped so far to the floor it probably woke satan up....

"What if one of us is?"

"What if one of us is?"

"What if one of us is?"

The words. The dreadful words I never wanted to hear. They flowed through my head like a rapid river as fear coursed through my veins. My head spun, my eyesight blurred, all the other sound faded away. All I heard were words. Those words. Over and over. My mouth went dry. I didn't know what to do, so I ran. I ran like Forest fucking Gump. I ran until my legs turned to jelly and I couldn't run anymore....

I found myself at the hands of the infamous and gorgeous, no doubt...

Ronnie Radke.

Right now, I'm not in the right state of mind. I sure hope I don't do something stupid.


It's short I know. Sorry. I'll make the next one longer


Will Jake cheat and go over to the dark side with Ronnie? I heard they have cookies....

Sorry I just HAD to add him! I mean.... he's the infamous Ronnie Radke

Love you all! Byeeee!

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