Chapter 7

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Jinxx's POV ^_^

After their little.... altercation where Ashley purposely and evilly left Andy sexually frustrated as 'punishment', things have been like a horny competition between them. He'd tease Andy and make dirty jokes and Andy would come back 10x worse. Now, I don't judge, but it's gross and fucking annoying. Like, yuck! Let me paint a picture for you.... it's like watching your two little sisters joke around EVERYONE about fucking each other. Is that disturbing enough? Now you know where I'm coming from. I was currently sitting on the couch, Jake cuddling on my lap, thinking about this. All the others were out at some club or something. Jake and I gladly declined. Now, you guessed it, just because Jake is my boyfriend, doesn't mean he isn't still my partner in crime. We both had agreed that whatever this 'thing' going on between them was, it needed to be put to a stop. I just don't know how yet...

"Stop stressing. It's not like they've committed murder..." Jakes husky voice woke me from my thoughts. I jumped slightly, startled, as Jake just chuckled.

"I just don't know how to get them to.. ya know... number one, stop whatever 'this' is, and two, come out to the fans..."

"Well you could always sit them down and talk to them in your 'mama Jinxx' monotone voice." he suggested.

"I suppose, but.." I trailed off.

"But what? Come on, babe. Out with it."

"Wouldn't it be a little hypocritical of me to tell them to 'come out of the closet' with their relationship when no one even knows about ours?" I sighed, head overwhelmed with thoughts.

He made a face, obviously thinking. It was a minute of comfortable silence before he spoke again.

"It's not hypocritical if they actually want it. As far as they are concerned, they're already 'out'. But they're not. We're just trying to help them because we at least know they're ready. We aren't." He nervously smiled.

Before I could think, I blurted out something I hugely regretted....

"What if one of us is?"


OOOOOOOH!! JAKE AND JINXX DRAMA!! What do you guys think? Kind of a cliffhanger huh? Please don't form a tiny angry mob and kill me...

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