Chapter 14

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I'm baaaack! Who missed me?? Better yet, who missed the story?? ;) Sooo.... how'd you take the big news? I know I made @bvb_4life choke ;) That's good right?? XD

"I'm dating someone, and I used liking Jinxx as coverup. So no one would find out about who I'm dating.... I'm sorry."

"It's okay, CC. I kinda used you as a coverup too. So we're all good."

"I'm also bi and in love, and in a relationship with a girl."

"Okay. You know we don't care. We love you CC." Jake said

"Yeah! Now who's the lucky lady?" Ashley asked, grinning and wiggling his eyebrows like a madman. Andy just casually slapped the back of his head and we all roared in laughter, except for CC.

His voice just above a whisper, he replied,


Ashley's POV

I watched as Andy's jaw clenched, and his grip around me tightened when CC spoke her name. Why is he acting like this? He doesn't still- no. No, of course he doesn't.

You're just being paranoid Ashley. That's all.

Yeah sure. I'm just being a bit paranoid. It's all good..... I hope.

I looked into Andy's blue orbs. They were almost gray with a mix of anger and, wait... was that-? No. No, no, no. Of course not.

You're being paranoid again Ashley.

Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I'm just being paranoid he would never be-

My thoughts were cut off when I felt the loss of his warmth against my skin.
My eyes darted to Andy, his eyes gray with anger. He was slowly approaching CC, who had his head down ready to take the blow.

"Go ahead. Do your worst. I deserve it." He whispered, barely loud enough for us to hear.

Andy raised his hand, ready to strike the long haired man, and we all gasped when he...


Gimme a C! Gimme an L! Gimme a-, who am I kidding? I'm too lazy to spell the rest of the word. The point is..... MUHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! What will Andy do to CC? ;) I guess you'll have to wait....

I'm such an evil son of a bitch aren't I? Oh well,

Sorry it was short,

Until Next Time,

Bye my lovelies! Xx -Gabby

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