Chapter 11

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Ronnie's POV

After my search for Andy, I sighed in defeat and trudged back to the bus. When I walked through the door I passed a drunk Ryan mumbling things about 'Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie', what the actual fuck...? I slightly giggled at how these guys can be such idiots. Normally, I'd be laughing my ass off, buy today is just not my day.

I crawled into my bunk, opened laptop and went on Twitter. I replied to a few fans, clicked some follow buttons, and scrolled through my feed. I hopped out of my bunk and strolled to the mini-fridge. I grabbed a beer and started to make my way back when I heard a knock at the door.

I spun around and changed my route to see who the visitor was. Who I saw standing there might have to pay the bills for my stomach surgery, because of the goddamn raging butterflies that aren't supposed to be there...

Andy's POV

I tossed and turned for about a half an hour, before admitting defeat and sliding out of my bunk. I grabbed my jacket and walked off the bus. Maybe a walk will help me clear my head and get back to sleep.

I walked around aimlessly. No idea where I was going. No idea what time it was. No worries whatsoever. Therefore, I had no idea as to how and or why I ended up in front of the Falling In Reverse your bus. Screw it, I decided. Maybe talking to my best friend is just what I need right now. It might help to talk to someone other than the guys. I stepped on the bus and knocked at the door, before letting myself in. I'm gonna tell Ronnie about Ashley and I...


Muhahaha! Andy's gonna let his mouth slip! How will Ronnie take it? Will he so something incredibly stupid?? Oh, the possibilities of more drama! *dramatic faint*

Ps: sorry it's short. Update coming soon! ^.^

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