Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV

I stared in awe as he bolted for the door faster than you can say 'Hi". I stared the other guys with an angry and suspicious look on my face. They each avoided looking me, and each other, in the eyes. I looked each one over. Jinxx, no he won't break. Jake, no I'm not taking the chance. CC, oh CC. This works out perfectly.

"CC. You are going to tell me everything or I am going to tell Jinxx everything." I said. He looked at me with a shock filled face. What? I think I need to know what the boy I love, is hiding something from me.

"You wouldn't." He said as a look of panic crossed his face. Jinxx kept looking back and forth between us suspiciously. In case you didn't know, CC had a huge crush on Jinxx and as far as I know, Jake is the only straight one on this bus. I don't even know if Jinxx likes him back. He's hard to read.

"Try me." I threatened.

"Uh-uh.. ok. Fine." he stuttered. Yes!

Andy's POV

"Try me" he threatened. C'mon CC don't do it. Jinxx likes you back anyways. Please don't do it C!!

"Uh-uh.. ok. Fine." he stuttered. Damn it! You're done for. No pun intended.

"Yes! Now tell me." Ash said.

"After the show." CC said.

"What?!" Ash screamed.

"You said to tell you everything, you didn't say when." he said with a smug smirk.

"Ugh!" He said as he started walking towards the door. Oh shit. I quickly hopped in bed and closed the curtain.
He walked in the room and took off his shoes and shirt. I tried to turn over to face the other way quietly, but he noticed I was awake. He pulled back the curtain and rested his elbows on my mattress.

"Andy? What's wrong? You were fine earlier..."he said. Oh god, I can feel the puppy dog eyes from here. Two can play at that game.

"Nothing's wrong, Ashey. I'm just a little tired." I said. I smirked hoping he couldn't see me.

"What were the guys talking about when they asked you if you're going to tell me or not?" he asked.

"It's nothing, Ashey. Let it go." I said. He sighed and climbed into my bunk. Uh-oh. I know where this is going. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. Oh god, his body felt so good pressed against mine, like a missing puzzle piece found. And his smell, oh his smell is so intoxicating. His strong arms wrapped around my waist. I thought my heart (and possibly my dick) was going to explode. He started rubbing circles into my hipbone and kissing my neck. I was either in heaven, or dreaming.

"Please just tell me. I pwomise I won't get mad." he said. Then he found my sweetspot and started sucking lightly. I let out a deep, low, throaty moan. It was all so good, but I couldn't tell him.

"N-n-n-no." I said in between moans.

"Well then I guess I'm going to have to stay here and give you hickeys until you give in then, hmm?" I only moaned in response. I'm pretty sure I already had 3 of them.

"Hey Ashley! Thanks a lot you dick! Now- OH MY GOD!!!!" CC screamed when he saw us. The other guys ran in as we scrambled out of my bunk, and to face the others. Jake and Jinxx stared at us in utter shock and awe, as CC was frozen to the spot.
I had 3 hickeys and a guilty look on my face, while Ashley had none and had a triumphant, devilish smirk upon his. The silence was finally somewhat broken when the three of them shared a devilish look and CC said to Ashley,

"Oh, I'm definitely telling you before the show." he said.

"No! CC, don't!" he just smiled and walked away. "HEY JINXX WANNA KNOW SOMETHING?" Jinxx whipped his head around and gave me a look as if to say 'Go on...'. Before I could say anything else Ashley had one hand on my waist rubbing circles into my hipbone again, while the other covered my mouth. He slowly started kissing my neck. I let out a loud, deep, throaty moan. This is the last I will get to be close with him until he finds out. Might as well enjoy it.


A/N: Sorry it was short. More coming soon! :)

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