Chapter 3

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Andy's POV

What the fuck was that!? What the hell just happened!? Ashley gave me 3 hickeys! Why would he do that, he's straight as a ruler. Or is he? No, he is. Stop getting your hopes up Andy. He just wanted to know, and he knew how to get it out that's all. My hands shook as I nervously applied my makeup. It was 25 minutes until the show and I don't know if CC told Ash yet. I pulled out some concealer and applied it to my neck, but it just wouldn't cover the hickeys. I put some lipstick on and looked at the time. 15 minutes before show. I walked out of my dressing room to go look for Jinxx. If CC was gonna do this to me, then I'm gonna do it to him.

On my way to Jinxx's room, I heard voices coming from Ash's. I know it's not right to eavesdrop, but this is the love of my life we're talking about. I leaned in closely to the door and listened.

"Goddammit CC! Tell me already, or I will go find Jinxx... If Andy didn't get to him first." Ashley said. I could hear the smirk from here.

"Ok...ok. So we caught you basically spooning with each other..." CC said

"Ok.. go on."

"Well we asked him about it, because it's kind obvious he enjoyed it. He was redder than a tomato,"

"And?" Ashley said.

"He started off with 'I don't like Ashley," he held a hand up from interruption. "I love him."

I couldn't bear to see Ashley's reaction. He's probably disgusted. Repulsed, most likely. I bolted for Jimxx's room with tears in my eyes. When I reached his door, I barged in.

"Jinxx!" I yelled.

"Yeah. What's up?" he said from the couch.

"CC has a huge crush on you."

That's all I said, then I walked out. I walked in to Jake's room and plopped down on the couch next to him.

"Hey. What's up?" He asked

"CC told Ashley and I couldn't bear to see his disgusted reaction, so I ran and told Jinxx." I said rather calmly.
He gaped at me in awe.

"You did WHAT?" He said. So I repeated myself.

"CC told Ashley and I couldn't bear to see his disgusted reaction, so I ran and told Jinxx" I repeated.

"Why would you do that!?" he screamed. Why was he so angry about this?

"Because, if CC gets to do that to me, then I should even the score." I said

"But he only did it because he knows Ashley likes you back!" he screamed again.

"Well, Jinxx likes him back. So the score is now even." I replied.

"You're an idiot." He huffed. He looked at me and his eyes widened, then he chuckled.

"What?" I asked. Why was he looking at me then laughing.

"Ashley SO likes you back dude." Jake laughed again.

"And how do you know this?" I questioned.

"1) he told CC last week that he did, and CC told us. 2) he gave you 3 fucking hickeys. If that doesn't scream 'I like you', then I don't know what does." He said

"Good point, I guess." I said. Ash likes me? No, that's not possible. I shook my head and looked at my phone. WE HAD 5 MINUTES.

"Get your lazy ass up!" I yelled. He looked at me confused. "We have 5 minutes to get our asses on stage!" He nodded and we made our way to the stage. Ashley was already there. Oh joy. I didn't even look at him. This should be a fun night...


A/N: Sorry it's kinda short and uneventful. It'll get better.

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