Meet your Maker

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I've only been tagging along with Rick's group for about a week now and figures I decided to trust these people and now we're in loads of trouble with these people who call themselves the "Saviors" I should've just stuck to my solitude.

We were all sitting in front of an RV with guns held to our heads. I wasn't scared I could care less if I died at least I wouldn't be in this shit hole of a world anymore. From what I've heard this guy's name was Negan everyone who was in his group called themselves Negan but this guy was the original I could only imagine what he looked like.

I was sitting next to Michonne and Abraham. I looked around at everyone's expressions most were scared shitless while others put on a mask trying to be tough. I heard someone knock on the RV door and out came a guy wearing a leather jacket with a red scarf. He looked like a damn biker not really intimidating other than his bat with barbed wire wrapped around it though his beard had a few grey hairs along with his greased slick black hair. Reminds me of the movie Grease I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of him starting to sing and dance.

"I am Negan and I do NOT appreciate you killing my men, also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool! Not cool. You have no idea how not cool that shit is but I think you're going to be up to speed shortly"

He seemed really cocky and had a high ego I already didn't like him. Though he isn't bad looking but he's the enemy to this group, not really to me since I haven't been with these people for long. I still had a bit of a soft spot for Daryl and Rick but if they died I wouldn't be too heart broken about it cause shit happens you lose people so easily now. I've learned to prepare for the worse and not get too attached to anyone.

Negan's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "You are so going to regret crossing me in a few minutes" yep he's going to kill a few of us fucking figures I mean I can't blame him though these people did kill a lot of his men from what I heard. "You see Rick whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order and the new world order is this. Even if you're stupid, which you very well may be, you can understand it"

New world order? What the hell is this guy going on about? Their is no order people do whatever the fuck they want it's survival of the fittest. "Give me your shit or I will kill you" well that's nothing new people take shit from other people all the time it's one way to survive. "You work for me now, you have shit, you give it to me, That's your job"

This guy must be insane if he thinks I'm gonna give him anything other than my fist up his ass. "you are pegged more pegged if you don't do what I want and what I want is half your shit"
That's it I'm leaving this group once he lets us go cause I don't do shit for these kinds of people.

"This is your way of life now, the more you fight back, the harder it will be. So if someone knocks on your door, you let us in, we own that door. You try to stop us and we will knock it down" yeah these peoples way of life I'm getting the fuck outta here and sticking to my solitude, having other people around makes things harder and more problematic. " You don't really think that you are going to get through this without being punished"

Oh fuck here it comes I'm going to die because I decided for once in my life I didn't want to be alone. I take another look at everyone fear frozen on their faces even Rick's. I feel a little empathy for everyone cause who knows how long these people have been together and to have one of their own be killed is horrible. They didn't have to take me in but they did I should be grateful to everyone here.

"you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them, more than I am conformable with and for that you have got to pay" He should just kill me since these people don't know me well instead of killing someone else cause that would be a bigger loss.  "I am going to beat the holy hell out of one of you. This is Lucille. She is awesome" he named is bat god this guy has a screw loose.

Negan starts going down the line looking at us to figure out, I'm guessing which one of us to kill. That's when his eyes land on me "and who the hell is this gorgeous girl" I looked up at him my grey eyes piercing into his brown ones. He brought his bat up to my chin "I asked you a question I expect you to answer" I glared at him "why does it matter I'm probably gonna die anyway" he smirked.

"Got a feisty one here I like it" he then bent down coming face to face with me. "Answer the damn question" "Rose.." he smiled "Rose what a pretty name for a pretty girl" I spat in his face. I could tell he was angry "trying to give you a damn compliment and all you can do is spit in my face I'll have to fix that"

He gave me one last look before moving down the line. I know I'll probably regret doing that later but it felt so good. "I simply cannot decide. I got an idea. Eeny, meeny, miny, mo," Is he seriously picking someone to kill using a damn nursery rhyme. "catch a tiger by his toe, if he hollers, let him go, my mother told me to pick the very best one," He kept skipping over me what the hell? "and you are it"

My eyes widened seriously him? Why couldn't it of been me?! Why did he keep skipping over me that's not fair I'm not special!? Poor Abraham was about to be bashed to death. "Anybody moves, anybody says anything cut the boy's other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry, hell you are all going to be doing that" he smashed his bat into Abraham's skull I could hear the cracking sound.

"Ohhhh. Taking it like a champ!" I heard Abraham's last words "Suck my nuts" I chuckled a little he was going down swinging. Negan kept hitting him until Abraham's head was unrecognizable it was just a pile of blood and tissue. I didn't cry one bit unlike everyone else who was in tears I felt a little uncomfortable since I wasn't really fazed by his death but I couldn't help it I didn't know him that well.

Once again I hear Negan's voice "did you hear that he said suck my nuts" he laughs. "You guys, look at my dirty girl!" I rolled my eyes Negan was showing Rosita the blood from Abraham, that's when Daryl made a move and decked him right in the face. I knew that was a big mistake and he was about to regret it.

"Now, I already told you people, first one's free, then what'd I say? I said I would shut that shit down! No exceptions!" He was going to kill another one of us god damn it Daryl why couldn't you sit still this was all going to be over soon. "Now, I don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with but I'm a man of my word"

He looked directly at me and winked I looked away acting as if I didn't see it. "First impressions are important I need you to know me" I knew he was about to kill someone and he was standing near Glenn. Maggie is going to be devastated they were suppose to be parents soon...

"So back to it" he turned around so quickly and struck Glenn with his bat. Out popped his eye I couldn't help but watch. Everyone was screaming and crying but Maggie was the worst of them all. I looked over at Daryl this was going to be rough for him, he's going to be blaming himself for the rest of his life. I looked back at Glenn being beaten to death he said his last words to Maggie and collapsed while still being struck with the bat.

Once Negan was finished he looked back at me confused a bit. Strolling on over he said "you don't seem one bit concerned over what just happened" I looked up at him "I literally just joined this group six days ago I don't know everyone that well enough to cry over them, yes it is sad to see people die but it was gonna happen sooner or later" Negan smiled "you're smart you don't get attached hmmm yeah I'll definitely be taking you with me"

"Excuse me" I said shocked. "You heard me" "I'm no ones property" "you are now" he walked away while I boiled in anger. Who the fuck does this guy think he is he doesn't own me. Negan proceeded to take Rick into the RV leaving us with his goons to watch over us.
Usually don't have my chapters this long but I wanted to make a great introduction hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I do writing it Chapter 2 will be here very soon.

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