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Somehow I was able to sleep on that concrete floor but my back had so many knots. My eyes adjusted to the darkness when all of a sudden someone opened my door but it wasn't Negan this guy had half his face burnt with long blonde hair. "Um hi" he just stared at me and handed me a plate "eat" was all he said before closing the door again.

So fucking rude. I looked at the sandwich on my plate I could smell the dog food. If he thinks I'm going to eat this he has another thing coming to him. I put the plate in the corner far away from me so I wouldn't have to smell it. I could go days without eating it's another reason why I lost weight. I really needed to use the bathroom but I knew they wouldn't let me out for that.

I refuse to pee in my cell I'll hold it forever if I have too. I grabbed my iPod I had to get my mind off me needing to pee. I decided to listen to Hero by Skillet cause that's exactly what I need right now. Halfway through the song my cell opened again to reveal that same burnt guy.

I took out my earbuds and put them away. "Get up you have work to do" I reluctantly got up and followed him to my work station. "Um what's your name?" He just at looked at me and said "Dwight" he put me in a room with a bunch of weapons. "Clean and sharpen all the knives" I glared at him "can I at least use the restroom I've been holding it for awhile" he rolled his eyes "make it quick"

He led me to the bathroom and stood outside the door. I did my business and looked around for a window. There was only one and it was very small but I think I could manage to squeeze through. I hopped up on the toilet seat and pushed on the window. To my relief it was open and I wiggled myself outside.

Once out I looked around I saw the fence surrounding the sanctuary. I had to get over it without anyone noticing. I stayed close to the wall and slowly made my way over to the fence. Their were guards everywhere how the hell was I going to get past them? I looked around but the guards started to walk away here was my chance. I bolted towards the fence and climbed as fast as I could without making too much noise to alert the guards.

Once on the other side I went into the woods and hid behind a tree to catch my breath. After a few moments I looked back towards the sanctuary and smiled "fuck you Negan I'm getting the hell out of here" right when I said that I could hear guards shouting.

"FIND THE GIRL" they were already on to me I had to think fast. Then an idea came to me I'll hide up in a tree until the time is right to move on. I chose a tree near the sanctuary with the most leaves to keep me hidden and so I could watch over everyone. I did my best trying not to fall to my death.

Once high enough I watched the sanctuary as the guards were running around looking for me. "I didn't think it'd be this easy to get away" I soon heard the man himself the one I was waiting for Negan. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" I saw Dwight talking to him. "I don't know I let her use the restroom next thing I know the damn girl went through that tiny ass window to escape I didn't think she could fit through that" Negan was furious. "GOD DAMN IT GET THE TRUCKS!"

He thought he was going to find me that's cute I bet the first place he's going to look is Alexandria but I'm not going back there either. I plan on heading north towards the cities for more supplies. I watched as Negan got into a truck and drove off with a few men.

I figured now or never so I climbed down slowly watching the guards. I jumped down and strolled deeper into the woods happy with my escape. Negan thought he could keep me in a cell well no one puts me in a cell, No one controls me. The sound of trucks near me raised my adrenaline I started to run. I was no where near the road how the hell are they this close?

I look back to see Negan on a damn motorcycle coming right towards me. WHAT THE FUCK?! I started to go faster dodging tree branches and zigzagging my way through the forest hoping to lose him but he stayed well on my path. That's when I grabbed a low tree branch and swung myself up into the tree and climbed higher.

I looked down to see him parking his motorcycle next to the tree. He looked up "I have to say I'm impressed you even managed to escape but that won't be happening again" "it happened once who's to say it won't happen again" "cause I'll make sure of it" I rolled my eyes. "I'm not coming down I can sit here all day"

"Don't worry I'll be coming up to get you and when we get back your in for one hell of a punishment no one leaves my sanctuary" I looked down at him "I just did" his face was getting red from anger. "That's it I'm coming up there!" "Try and touch me bitch!"

He started climbing up the tree to get to me so I broke off branches and threw them at him. "God damn it woman you have one hell of an arm" "it's called playing softball bitch I was top pitcher!" He started climbing up faster so I started to go higher. He looked up "Nice ass sweetheart can't wait to destroy it sometime" "In your dreams" I knew he was smirking.

I went as far as I could go I looked back and he wasn't far behind me. I looked around there was no way out but how the hell is he going to get me down anyway? That's when I felt a hand on my ankle. SHIT he pulled me down next to him and held me against his chest. "You've been a very bad girl and I don't appreciate you making me climb this fucking tree" he held my waist as he dragged me down.

Once we were on the ground he was still holding me against him. "Damn you wore me out" "good" I smiled. "Looks like I'm gonna have to kill one of your friends for your behavior" "their not my friends like I said I didn't know them that well so go ahead" he smirked "fine then guess I'll have to torture you a bit"

I turned and looked him in the eye "You won't Break me" he looked at me sternly "that's what you think darling"
Chapter 4 is on its way

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