Supply Run

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The shaking of the truck making its own path through the woods is what brought me out of my sweet slumber. I squinted out the window making out a few lingering walkers trudging their way towards our truck soon to be lost again.

I then turn to see Negan still driving "How long has it been?" "You were asleep for about two hours" I was surprised "it's been two hours and you haven't stopped anywhere yet?" He chuckled "this is why we're going to be gone for awhile we're going towards the city for supplies since their aren't a lot of houses or stores around here we've mostly picked them clean"

I wasn't gonna lie to myself I was a bit nervous since the cities were over crowded with those things. "Are you sure you wanna head towards those hoards of walkers what if something happens?" He smiled "awe you worrying about me sweetheart?" Once again I rolled my eyes "no I'm worried for my own safety screw you"

"I figured you'd say that and that's why I told my men if I wasn't back in a week to come find you and kill you so you aren't able to kill me" I looked at him and smiled "I'd be long gone before then, they'd have a hell of a time trying to find me" he had a dark smile on his face "whatever helps you get through the day"

I stayed silent again I was curious of how the city looked now considering I haven't been back since the outbreak started, I wonder if it's calmed down a bit. My eyes wandered back over to Negan but I tried to make it not obvious that I was staring at him.

He had a chiseled jawline and the way he carries himself around as if he owned everything I found kinda sexy. He was wearing a short sleeved white shirt today so I could see a bit of muscle while he held the steering wheel. I didn't let my eyes wander down any further for fear of myself not being able to control my emotions.

I could already feel myself getting heated. I haven't had sex with a guy in almost two years and I could tell I was getting frustrated. No calm down Rose you've been just fine without it since you've been focusing on surviving and not thinking about the good old times.

Plus this guy is Negan the one who took you away from a pretty nice group and threw you in a cell to eat dog food, he treated you like his property as if you were some toy to him and not to mention he's emotionally and physically abusive.

But I just can't get my mind off him theirs just something about him I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's how sometimes I see his soft side cause honestly he just seems like a broken man who's seen a lot of shit like the rest of us and the only way he knows how to cope with it is to take it out on others. He also doesn't like to be alone I wonder why.

I felt the truck come to a stop so I look ahead to see skyscrapers. God it's been so long "damn I can't believe this is how life use to be" he looked over at me "yeah it's been months since the outbreak started I can barely remember my old life"

"Hey Negan?" "Yeah?" "What did you do before all this shit?" He chuckled a little "if I told you, you would never believe me" I smiled "try me" "alright well before life got fucked up I use to be a teacher of high school students" I started laughing so hard "damn I knew teachers were evil"

"Shut the fuck up" I didn't listen and kept giggling until I couldn't breathe. To think this man use to teach kids! KIDS!? "What the hell happened to you?" His face hardened "the same thing that happens to everyone when they lose everything they stood for" I shut my mouth right up.

"I'm sor-" "don't say anything get your shit and lets go" I did as he said not wanting to piss him off anymore. We had to walk the rest of the way not wanting to cause a lot of noise to alert nearby walkers.

We hid against a wall and I looked around the corner and sure enough the city was still infested with them. I quickly turned back and whispered "holy shit I thought they would've left here by now" "you think they're smart enough for that shit your lucky enough if one of these lil fuckers can get to a different street"

He was right they weren't too bright at all. "What's your plan?" He smiled "glad you asked how about going underneath them through the sewer systems?" "Sometimes their blocked off though" "still worth a shot and not all the time plus theirs a bunch of different paths we can take or we find a latter and get to the top of one these buildings"

"What good would that do us?" "Ever jumped from roof to roof?" I smiled "scandalous aren't we" he winked "what did you expect" "let's take the less risky way down into the sewers" "Man buzzkill" "sorry but I'm not looking for death today" "alright sweetheart follow me"

He slowly moved into an alley way and lifted up the concrete slab covering the tunnels beneath us. "Ladies first" I smirked "then shouldn't you be going first?" He smiled "I can whip my dick out to prove I'm not a lady" "woah ok just stop keep that shit in there and you know just because you have dick doesn't make you a man"

"Don't start that shit with me" well someone is a non supporter but I expected that of him. I slowly climb down the ladder and stepped into the cold sewer water "fuck it stinks" he jumped down "well no shit theirs literally shit down here" "nah really I didn't know!"

"Don't back talk me" "I do what I want" he grabbed the back of my collar and swung me around as I was walking away "no stay close to me you don't know what could be down here and I make the rules" "whatever" I slowly followed him using a flashlight to light the way. Their were many paths to choose I don't know how he could pick one but all I could do was trust that he knew where the hell he was going even though he would be the last guy I trusted with my life.
Not too exciting but just wait for chapter 8

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