Stay Strong

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A bright light shone into my tiny cell, my eyelids were droopy and could barely stay open after the rough night I had. They were having a hard time adjusting to the light so I couldn't see who it was but I had a pretty good guess it was Negan.

"Get your ass up" yep that was his voice, I just ignored him for a bit my body just didn't want to respond, I was weak from lack of food. "Did you not hear me the first time I said get your ass up" I looked over at him "I can't" I could hear the weakness in my voice and it angered me.

I didn't want him to see me weak and helpless it would boost his ego more. He just looked at me for a second and came over. He bent down to my level "maybe if you would've eaten the shit I served you then you wouldn't be feeling this way" I rolled my eyes I wasn't in the mood for him to scold me. "Who would want to eat dog food it wasn't meant for people"

His eyes hardened "you are pathetic, to me you are a helpless, lost dog and I am here to set you straight" I could feel my insides eating itself. "I am not a dog, I am not anyone's property especially not you, this isn't how you treat other human beings, you're not superior to any of us cause on the inside you're just as scared and helpless as the rest of us, that's why you won't let anyone leave you're scared of being alone"

That must of stricken him hard cause next thing I knew I was on the ground getting a beating. He threw me to the floor and kicked my sides over and over "YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF SHIT, YOU'RE WORTHLESS I SHOULD JUST KILL YOU NOW!" I just looked back into his eyes "go ahead"  the punching and kicking just wouldn't stop, my body couldn't take it, I passed out.


I woke up on a bed to a man putting bandages on my sides. I jumped a little not expecting someone to be their when I woke up. He seemed to notice I was awake after that cause he greeted me with a small smile. "You should be good to go soon but he did give you quite the beating"

"How bad is it?" "You just bruised your ribs pretty badly if he hadn't stopped he probably would've broken them" I wanted to cry so bad I couldn't handle this shit anymore. "Luckily he didn't injure your face just the rest of your body you could've had a concussion or even went into a coma if he had"

I was confused why wouldn't he punch my face? I let that thought disappear I didn't give a shit right now he still hurt me pretty badly. I tried rolling onto my stomach in the bed but the pain stopped me from doing so. "Ahhh fuck!" "Are you ok?" "Yeah just have to move a little slower"

I tried again making sure to be slow and gentle with myself until I was finally comfortable. "I'll be right back your malnourished from not eating I'll make you a real sandwich" I smiled at his kindness "thank you so much that sounds lovely"

I guess not everyone here is a complete asshole just only when Negan is around. I didn't have to wait long the Doctor came back with a delicious looking sandwich. "Here you go eat slowly since your body isn't use to having a lot of food, I don't want you vomiting"

I thanked him again. The first bite of real food it tasted like heaven. I did as he said and ate slowly until the sandwich was gone. The Doctor looked at me worried. "What's wrong?" "Um Negan radioed me to tell you that he's coming to get you"

My eyes widened in terror I never thought I'd be scared of him but after what he did to me I had some pretty damn good reasons to be scared. No I can't let the fear show it'll only make him feel more powerful. I can't give him what he wants, I cannot break, I need to keep it together.

I can handle a beating, hell I use to wrestle with my brother all the time. The thought of my brother almost brought me to tears, no not now Rose he's in a better place he doesn't have to deal with this shit. That made me feel better and calmed me down.

I could hear Negan's footsteps coming to the door, it was time to face him again. Swinging open the door he walked in happily whistling. I just glared at him angrily, I would stand my ground. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes"
I didn't say anything back he wasn't worth my arguments anymore, it just wasted too much time and air for that bullshit.

I just decided to lay my head down and ignore him. I was pretty tired but I'm sure Negan isn't going to let me sleep. "Giving me the silent treatment huh" I still stayed silent. "Can't blame ya I did go out of control I'm usually not one for hurting women but you pissed me off you just can't learn can you"

Great another speech just what I wanted to hear. "Get up we're leaving" I was still hurt and could barely move and he still wanted to go on that damn run god he's heartless. That's when the Doctor stood up "Um Negan she's hurt badly she isn't going to be able to move for at least a day or two"

Negan glared at him "did I say you could speak or did I ask for your opinion I don't think so" the Doctor immediately shut down and slumped in his chair. Negan turned his attention back towards me "I'll carry you if I have to" I looked back at him "As if I'm going to let you touch me again"

"Then get the fuck up yourself" I rolled my eyes their was obviously no way I was getting out of this so I decided to take it slow. I sat up and gently got off the bed, the pain was unbearable but I couldn't show that I was weak no I couldn't let him have that satisfaction. I slowly walked up to Negan looking him in the eyes intensely "I'm up asshole"

He smiled "come on we're already behind we should've left hours ago if it wasn't for your little attitude problem" "don't you mean your problem of not being able to control your temper" he stopped walking and turned to face me. He had a bit of a sad face "listen I didn't mean for it to go that far you're lucky I didn't kill you with the way I was feeling it was hard to stop but I did and I got you help"

I looked at him confused was he apologizing what the hell?! "Was that an apology?" He chuckled "yes I'm owning up to what I did wrong cause that's what a leader should do" that was all he said as he continued to walk. I was stunned did I just imagine that or was he actually being nice to me?

Did he actually care? No it's just another trick to get me to be his wife I can't let my guard down. I will admit though I was starting to have some mixed feelings about him.

He helped me up into a truck and drove away from the sanctuary it felt good to get out. We were silent but that was ok I wanted time to think about everything. Was he actually being sincere or was this just another trick? Well no matter what it is I cannot fall for him I need to stay strong at least until I can escape.

Looking out the window my eyes became droopy and I was soon fast asleep.
Chapter 7 is on its way

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