A Failed Attempt

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Finally he had stopped and climbed up a ladder leading to another opening. I couldn't wait to get out of this cold, dark, nasty, claustrophobic place. I watched as he slowly slid the metal cover peeking his head out to see if everything was clear.

I was too focused on him to realize something was behind me. When I finally heard the low groaning it was to late a walker had me pinned down in the sewer water. I've had enough of people's shit today my anger and adrenaline kicked in as I lifted it up off me and pinned it up against a wall decapitating it. I was just so frustrated I kept stabbing it's body letting out grunts making sure I didn't scream to not cause to much noise to attract other walkers.

I soon felt to huge arms come around my waist and pull me away from the body. "Stop fucking hitting the damn thing doll" I turned around quickly "stop calling me those stupid pet names and use my actual fucking name cause I have it for a reason" I spat. He pinned me up against the wall "I'm not in the fucking mood to deal with your bullshit today cause damn every fucking day it's like you're on your period woman"

I snarled "shut the fuck up" he slapped me "get the fuck up that ladder before I beat your lil ass sunshine" I've had enough of him and climbed up the ladder quickly. I then made the decision of running away from him.

I saw the chance and took it since he was still getting up the ladder and what was the chance of him finding me in this huge city. I heard him shout from behind "WHERE THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING!" Shit shit shit he wasn't too far behind me I kept running not looking back for the fear of him being right there.

I could hear his footsteps not far behind me I spot a hotel to run into passing straggling walkers. I brace myself against the door going up the stairs to lock myself in one of the rooms of the top floor. He was gonna have one hell of a time choosing what door I went through giving me time to think of a plan of escape.

Not long though I heard him "If you come out now I'll see if I can forgive this behavior of yours" in his "innocent" voice. He wasn't far from this room I could tell, I then heard him breaking one of the doors close to mine looking through the rooms one by one. I locked myself in the bathroom getting into the bathtub closing the shower curtain praying I'll get lucky.

I soon heard my door being broken in. "I know you're in one of these rooms darling come the fuck out you're making daddy angry" I wanted to puke did he just call himself daddy?? I try to calm my breathing so he wouldn't hear me. I heard the handle of my door jingle. I just knew he was smiling behind that door "I know you're in there sweetheart you might as well make this easy for yourself and unlock the door"

I couldn't move, I didn't want to move I just wished he would disappear. "I'll count to three and if this door isn't open by the time I say three I'm breaking this fucker down and you're getting one hell of a punishment" he barked.

I still couldn't move I didn't think I was even breathing, I was frozen in fear. "One" I could feel my face heating up "two" tears weld up in my eyes the air becoming too thick for me to breath I was hyperventilating, one of my panic attacks was coming on. "Two and a half" no no no no not now please don't start this now. I started to control my breathing I knew I was about to get beaten the holy hell out of me but at least I tried to escape.

I had to stand my ground if I was gonna survive this. "Three" the door flew open with one of his strong kicks. I stayed down hoping he wouldn't see me. "Darling why can't you just fucking listen I know you're in that bathtub I'm not fucking stupid" he charged right over to me forcing the curtains out of the way.

His hand grabbed my arm pulling me up and over his shoulder and into the bedroom. "LET GO OF ME" I punched his back over and over but he didn't seem phased. Throwing me onto the bed I scrambled up but he had those dark eyes piercing into me making me feel small, weak, and worst of all vulnerable.

He loved to see fear on his victims faces I had to be strong. I glared right back trying to act tough like I wasn't afraid of him. "You really fucked up this time doll" he came closer to me making me back up a bit. He smiled "Stop trying to act tough I can see right through you" "Are you sure about that I don't think you know me well enough to make those assumptions"

"Stand up" I marched right over to him coming face to face with him not breaking eye contact our noses barely touched "No" he leaned his head forward toward my ear "god you're making me so fucking hard right now it's gonna hurt me to beat the fuck out of you"

He grabbed me and sat on the bed bending me over his lap. I scrambled trying to get off of him this was very uncomfortable. "What the hell!?" He smiled "Lucille is feeling a bit thirsty" my eyes widened as I knew exactly what he was gonna do. I turned my face away I couldn't watch, it would only make the pain worse.

He snickered "hope you don't mind but these need to come off" he pulled my ripped blue jeans to my ankles showing off my black laced panties. He licked his lips "God you have a nice plump ass sweetheart you're lucky I don't fuck the hell out of you on this bed right now" my face was red from embarrassment no man has ever seen me this way I was usually the one in control.

I could feel him rubbing his hand on my ass. I flinched with every touch and I knew he liked that. "I'll be nice and leave your panties on for this I'll be giving ya hmm I'll say about ten smacks from my girl I know how much she enjoys this"

I had to think of something I didn't want my ass punctured and bruised with blood all over it. Their was only one thing I could think of at this very moment that may work on him. He was still staring at my ass his grip loosening a bit I took the chance and flung myself on top of him in the bed locking my lips with his.
Told ya this chapter would be better sorry it took longer I had shit to do but chapter 9 coming soon.

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