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My eyes gazed over at his, just stay calm and follow directions it's that simple. You'll earn his trust in no time and it'll be bye bye sanctuary and hello freedom. He just smiled as I waltzed on over to the couch and took a seat right next to him since I figured if I sat on the end he'll only push himself toward me or better yet pull me into him.

"Now I am just curious as to why you're actually helping out around here, it doesn't seem like you at all what are you playing at?" I just smiled "I'm just getting my shit together might as well accept that I am apart of this place now whether I like it or not" his smile brightened "good to hear but I'll be keeping a close eye on you" "by all means go ahead"

He stood up from the couch "it's late and since you've been working all day I'll let you rest so good job and let's hope for an even better day tomorrow" he closed my door leaving me alone with my thoughts. I smirked, maybe it won't take that long to earn his trust if I just carry on with what I'm doing now.

A yawn escaped my mouth, jeez I must be really tired, standing up I slid into bed and immediately fell asleep.

~~~~~~~~One month Later~~~~~~~~

Negan began sending me out on my own supply trips and yes I haven't tried to escape during me crazy but I just assumed he had someone watching me the whole time so I'm just making sure. Ever since I was able to finally go on trips after seeing me work so hard in the sanctuary we've had a lot more food and weapons.

If theirs something you need you can be sure I'll find it, most of the people here file in requests for me since they know how good I am and of course I fulfill them. The people have also started trusting me, I actually made a few friends like Simon and Dwight who treat me as their little sister. I don't know I'm actually beginning to enjoy being here despite me wanting to escape all the time a few weeks ago but once you accept what you're doing the life here isn't too bad.

I still wanted to get out but I wasn't in such a rush anymore and Negan hasn't been bothering me at all it's very suspicious but I've been enjoying my personal space.


"What was that?!" I asked Simon, "I don't know but let's check it out" we both ran into the main courtyard, one of the fences had fallen over on a child who was currently being consumed by the undead, screaming in agony. Simon began running over to the kid but I grabbed his arm "theirs nothing you can do for him anymore we need to block the hole to protect everyone else"

He nodded back at me while we grabbed some boards and barbed wire to close the entrance. Other civilians were shooting at the walkers, protecting us from their nasty bites. We quickly boarded the hole as fast as we could, I swung the hammer into the nails with lightning speed the adrenaline coursing through my veins, what a rush.

What seemed like an eternity we finally finished, breathing heavily we smiled at each other looking back at the people they cheered. Simon walked over in the direction of the little boys corpse, I followed, my gaze falling onto the half eaten face of a boy with blonde hair and what use to be blue eyes. Simon shut his eyes and lifted the fence off the body, his mother slowly stepped forward, tears flowing down her cheeks.

I couldn't help but cry a little, I couldn't imagine losing a child. "We need to burn him" the mother nodded slowly knowing if we were to leave him like this he'll turn soon. She placed his body in the middle of the court yard while Simon covered his body in gasoline and lit the flame. Everyone gathered around to watch his body deteriorate into ashes.

My mind flashed through all of the awful things that have happened thus far, this reminded me of the reality we now live in, how cruel our world is. The past few months I've forgotten how bad it was out there but this death has surely awaken me again to remind everyone that no one is safe no matter how hard we try we'll all eventually die and turn.

I walked away from the fire I couldn't bare to watch it any longer. Negan was standing in the distance staring at me, he waved for me to come to him. I did as he wanted, "you called" he looked at me seriously "what the hell was that" "the fence fell Simon and I were able to repair it but not in time to save that little boy" he nodded "good job" I gave a small smile "thank you"

He smiled back at me "you've changed a lot you're not as much fun to mess with anymore but I do love a girl who can follow directions and hold her own" I smiled "I guess I'm just getting older, to be quite honest the world is going to shit so I'm doing my best to not make it shittier for everyone else"

"I appreciate that and I just wanted to ask you something maybe you'll actually consider it this time around" my eyes widened I knew exactly what he was about to ask, this was my chance it won't be long now before I can get the hell out of here and never look back despite how kind most of these people have been to me.

I smiled back "ask away" his eyes twinkled I had forgotten how attractive he once was to me, memories flew back and my face became heated, who am I kidding he is still so fucking handsome I could take him on any day. "Would you consider becoming one of my wives so you wouldn't have to work anymore, I know you've turned me down harshly in the past but since you seem to be maturing I think this was a better time to ask"

I smiled "I wouldn't mind" I gave him a wink, his eyes widened his smile became a devilish smirk. His voice deepened "is that so? Cause it's about god damn time doll I've been waiting to touch you" he licked his lips and came close to me "you are mine and only mine" I interrupted him "one rule I am not allowed to cheat" he smiled "good girl"
How many chapters are left until I'm finished cause it's beginning to reach the end guys!!

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